Friday 29 July 2016

Weston Upon Trent to Below Aston Lock (Trent & Mersey Canal)

Drinkkies with Bill, Ziggy, Tony & Trin

Yesterday we stayed at Weston Upon Trent and later in the morning Ziggy along with his daughter Trin and girlfriend Toni and also Bill joined us.  It is Ziggy’s birthday today so we all went up to The Woolpack pub in the village and had a few drinkies and a bit of lunch.  We then walked down to the pub, The Saracen’s Head near the canal and had a few more in there.

We had a bit of rain while we were in the pubs, but it cleared up in the afternoon and it was a nice evening, we went back to the boats and all sat out on the towpath and had gin.  Ziggy and Bill said they didn’t really like Gin but when we made them one, they got the taste for it and we spent the evening drinking gin and Toni made a lovely Goat Curry so we all had that and then finished off with Strawberries and Cream.  We had a really nice day with them.
Lovely Salt Bridge

Today, we were moving on to near Aston Lock as we wanted to visit Aston Marina as they have a farm shop and Bistro. Bill and Ziggy were staying put today and Al was joining them so we waved goodbye to them, but we are all headed for Stone so I am sure we will catch up with them then. 
In Sandon Lock
We set off along the canal, it was rather overcast and we had a few spits of rain, but nothing much.  We chugged on along the canal and under Bridge 82 which is a lovely bridge and on along the canal.  There were a couple of boats in front of us so when we got to Sandon Lock we had a bit of a wait.  There was boats coming down too so that made life much easier and before too long it was our turn, at least when the locks are busy there is always plenty of helpers.
Farm Shop in Aston Marina

Soon through there and we chugged on for a couple of miles and moored a little way from the entrance to Aston Marina and below Aston lock. 

Bistro in Marina
Heron by our boat
We then went for a walk up past the lock to the next bridge and there is a footpath off the canal and into the marina.  We went into the Farm Shop which was really nice and got a few things and then we sat outside the Bistro and had a coffee.  Luckily they had really big umbrellas to sit under as when we were having our coffee we had a heavy rain shower.  It soon went over and we had a walk around the marina which is really nice then back along the towpath to the boat.  As we approached our boat there was a heron right by it but as usual as soon as we got close it flew off.

We are staying here tonight then off to Stone tomorrow.

Moored below Aston Lock

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