Friday 1 July 2016

DayOut in Derby

We are staying put in Willington as the weather forecast was not too good for today so we are off to Derby by train.

Statue of Florence Nightingale
Market Hall in Derby
We set off to the train station which is about a 5 minute walk from where we are moored and got the train to Derby which only took about 10 minutes.

It is a short walk from Derby train station to the centre and all the shops.  There is a huge shopping centre which is on three floors so we had walked through there and then headed to the Cathedral Quarter which is has a pedestrianised area and some small streets and lots of old buildings and independent shops.  It is a nice area so we browsed around there for a bit and then went to have a look in the Cathedral.

Derby Cathedral
There had been a service there in remembrance of the Battle of the Somme, but that was finished by the time we got there.
Cathedral Quarter

The Cathedral is really nice inside but very modern compared to a lot of Cathedral’s we have visited.   We had a look around then walked back to the shopping centre and went up to the second floor which was the food floor with lots of different choices of meals and a huge area with seats for you to sit and eat your chosen food.  We opted for Chinese today which was really good.
Cathedral Quarter

Suitably fed, we had another wander around the shops then walked back to the train station to the get the train back to Willington.  Unfortunately our train was delayed, but it eventually came along and we were soon back to the boat.

It had been dry all day but shortly after we got back, we had a heavy rain shower, but then it went over and it was a nice evening.

We are staying here tonight and are moving on tomorrow.

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