Saturday 30 July 2016

Below Aston Lock to Stone (Trent & Mersey Canal)

A tranquil morning on the canal
Passing Aston Marina

We are on the move today and as it is a popular place to stop, we left around 9am.  We chugged off along the canal to Aston Lock.  A boat had not long come down so the lock was set for us and soon we were going up the lock.  There was nothing coming the other way so I closed the gate and got on the boat and as I did a boat came around the corner, that always seems to happen.  By Aston lock there is a very tiny house, we wondered who lives in a house like this!

Coming into Aston Lock
Who lives in a house like this!!
We chugged on for about a mile or so and then we were approaching Stone and the moorings so we pulled in and I got off and walked down to see if there were any spaces in the moorings further down.  There were so I signaled to Kev to come down and I saw the boat come out into the middle of the canal but he didn’t seem to come.  So I waited a bit then walked back down and Kev was down the weed hatch and the boat was across the canal.

Apparently as Kev tried to get off the bank something kept us in there and Kev  couldn’t push the boat off we were somehow trapped to the bank.  He tried twice but the engine just cut out.

Kev had a feel around and felt something around the propeller but couldn’t work out what it was.  He then had a look on the bank as we seemed to be fixed to it and then he found out what it was.  When they repair the sides of the bank they use a black heavy duty plastic matted material and this what was around our prop and it was still joined to the bank so Kev had to saw it away and eventually we were free from the bank and we could tie up properly.  Luckily in this time only a couple of boats came past and I managed to pull the  front of the boat in to let them through.
Old Bridge over River Trent
Kev then had to go back down the weed hatch and pull the rest of it off the prop, he got it all and then we were able to move to the moorings a bit further down.  We have had things around the prop in the past but this is the first time we have been tied to the bank!

Bill, Al and Ziggy were here also so we said hi to them and then went for a walk up into the town.  We went for a walk along the towpath to the Chandlery and then stopped off in the Café narrowboat for a coffee and a toastie.

Welcome to Stone
We walked back to the boat and chilled out for a bit then walked down to the Star pub by the lock and had a drink with Ziggy, Bill and Tony.  Bill told us about a butchers down the main road so we had a walk down there and found it, it looked really good so we bought a few things then back to the boat.  There is an old bridge by the main road so we had a walk down by it, it goes over the River Trent.

We are staying here tonight and also tomorrow then chugging off on Monday. 

Moored at Stone

Friday 29 July 2016

Weston Upon Trent to Below Aston Lock (Trent & Mersey Canal)

Drinkkies with Bill, Ziggy, Tony & Trin

Yesterday we stayed at Weston Upon Trent and later in the morning Ziggy along with his daughter Trin and girlfriend Toni and also Bill joined us.  It is Ziggy’s birthday today so we all went up to The Woolpack pub in the village and had a few drinkies and a bit of lunch.  We then walked down to the pub, The Saracen’s Head near the canal and had a few more in there.

We had a bit of rain while we were in the pubs, but it cleared up in the afternoon and it was a nice evening, we went back to the boats and all sat out on the towpath and had gin.  Ziggy and Bill said they didn’t really like Gin but when we made them one, they got the taste for it and we spent the evening drinking gin and Toni made a lovely Goat Curry so we all had that and then finished off with Strawberries and Cream.  We had a really nice day with them.
Lovely Salt Bridge

Today, we were moving on to near Aston Lock as we wanted to visit Aston Marina as they have a farm shop and Bistro. Bill and Ziggy were staying put today and Al was joining them so we waved goodbye to them, but we are all headed for Stone so I am sure we will catch up with them then. 
In Sandon Lock
We set off along the canal, it was rather overcast and we had a few spits of rain, but nothing much.  We chugged on along the canal and under Bridge 82 which is a lovely bridge and on along the canal.  There were a couple of boats in front of us so when we got to Sandon Lock we had a bit of a wait.  There was boats coming down too so that made life much easier and before too long it was our turn, at least when the locks are busy there is always plenty of helpers.
Farm Shop in Aston Marina

Soon through there and we chugged on for a couple of miles and moored a little way from the entrance to Aston Marina and below Aston lock. 

Bistro in Marina
Heron by our boat
We then went for a walk up past the lock to the next bridge and there is a footpath off the canal and into the marina.  We went into the Farm Shop which was really nice and got a few things and then we sat outside the Bistro and had a coffee.  Luckily they had really big umbrellas to sit under as when we were having our coffee we had a heavy rain shower.  It soon went over and we had a walk around the marina which is really nice then back along the towpath to the boat.  As we approached our boat there was a heron right by it but as usual as soon as we got close it flew off.

We are staying here tonight then off to Stone tomorrow.

Moored below Aston Lock

Great Haywood (Below Lock) to Weston Upon Trent (Trent & Mersey Canal)

Wednesday 27th July

The signal wasn't very strong at Weston Upon Trent so couldn't post this until today when we moved on along the canal.

In Haywood Lock
Passing the Lock Cafe
Empty moorings at Great Haywood

We are on the move today so we set off for the first lock, we have three to do today, there was a couple of boats in front of us and a couple coming down so we had a bit of a wait and then it was our turn and into Haywood Lock we went. This lock is not very deep so we were soon through there and past the Lock Café and up to the Haywood Junction. The moorings above the lock are usually really busy but today they were empty, a rare sight.  Bill, Al and Ziggy, boaters from the Gloucester & Sharpness were just mooring up so we shouted hi to them and went on past as we wanted to stop at the services.  There was a couple of boats there but luckily one was just leaving so we managed to get in the gap and moor up.

Bill, Al and Ziggy mooring up
We met Bill and Ziggy yesterday in The Clifford Arms up in the village as we went there for lunch and they were there having a drink.  We had a few drinks together and when they found out it had been my birthday on Monday they both bought me a G&T which was very nice of them, we had a good couple of hours with them, it was nice to meet up.  Apparently they both have a budget for beer each day and it was well and truly blown yesterday after a few rounds with us!  

In Hoo Mill Lock
When we were all filled up with water, we went on our way along the canal and then we were at Hoo Mill Lock, there was a bit of a queue again but after not too long it was our turn and soon we were through and on along the canal we went.  We chugged on and then came to Weston Lock where guess what there was another queue so after a wait we were through and moored up at Weston Upon Trent just before the bridge.

The Holly Bush Inn
Sitting with the locals!
We had lunch then went for a walk along the towpath to the village of Salt.  We left the canal and walked up the lane to The Holly Bush pub.  It is a lovely pub in a village setting and is a 16th-C thatched Inn and is reputedly the oldest pub in Staffordshire.  There are two people sat on a bench at the front of the pub, I think they must be locals, but they aren't very friendly, they didn't say much!

We had a drink in the pub, Thistly Cross Elderflower Cider, it was really nice and refreshing. We then walked back along the canal to our boat.

We are staying here tonight and also tomorrow as we should be meeting up with Bill, Al and Ziggy who are coming here tomorrow for a bit of a get together for Ziggy’s birthday so that should be fun.

Moored at Weston Upon Trent

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Wolseley Bridge to Great Haywood (Below Lock) (Trent & Mersey Canal)

Monday 25th July
My flowers and Gin
It is my birthday today and the sun was shining, hurray!  I had lots of texts and emails and two e-cards so that was lovely, thanks to everyone and also a pressie to open from my Dad and Mavis as they gave it to me earlier in the year and Kev gave me a small leather purse, some lovely flowers and a bottle of Monkey 47 Gin so looking forward to having that, so I did really well.  Also a few cards have been sent to my Dad’s house so Mavis is sending them to the local post office and I should be able to pick them up tomorrow.  We are on the move today to Great Haywood and was going to have lunch in the pub there but we have found out they are not serving food today so we are going to have a meal there on Tuesday instead.  I had my birthday meal last Friday at the Plum Pudding but Kev says I can have another one!

Coming into Colwich Lock
We set off along the canal and it was quite busy going our way, a couple of boats passed us while we were waiting to pull out so we followed along behind them.  After about a mile we came to Colwich Lock and the two boats ahead of us were moored up waiting to go through.

Queue waiting to go down lock
I walked up to the lock and it was very busy, people everywhere, we thought it was a bit of a queue our side with three boats, but the other side there was about six boats waiting to go through and as we waited for our turn, no more came our way but they kept coming the other way so the queue didn’t go down that side.
It was quite a wait but eventually it was our turn and Kev brought the lock into the boat and I filled the lock then we were on our way again past all the boats waiting to go down the lock, glad we were going the way we were!

We chugged on for a bit and then we were at Great Haywood and the moorings were really empty so we had the pick of the spots and moored up in a nice sunny spot not too far from the footbridge over the canal with views of Shugborough Hall.

Canalside Cafe
Canalside Farm Shop
We chilled out for a bit then went for a walk up the canal to the Farm Shop and they were still doing pick your own strawberries although there weren’t so many ripe ones as last time but we managed to pick a punnet full and then we had a wander around the farm shop and bought a few nice things.  We then went for a coffee in the Canalside Café and sat by the canal watching the boats go by.

Nice view from here Petunia!
View of Shugborough Hall from our Mooring
We took our goodies back to the boat then thought we would walk up onto the footbridge and see where that went to.  We took one of the paths which we thought would go to Little Haywood and we set off through the fields, past the sheep but there didn’t seem to be any gates leading out of the fields onto the road so we kept going and going and came to some cows they were okay, they were only young and just kept running when they saw us but thankfully away from us not toward us!

Eventually we got to the end and there was barbed wire and a very posh house, we couldn’t see anywhere to get out so we had to trudge back again, through the grass and trees and fields, we thought we might meet Dr Livingstone! We got back to where we started and went back to the boat, it was a nice walk though.
It was then time to have my Monkey 47 Gin and lovely it was too.  We had it with a peach slice in it as that is how it was served when we first tried it.  I had one with Bottle Green Elderflower Tonic and one with Fentimans Rose Lemonade and they were both delicious.

We are staying here tonight and also tomorrow so we can have lunch in the pub.

Moored at Great Haywood