Saturday 14 May 2016

Top of Astwood Locks to The Queens Head Stoke Pound (Worcester & Birmingham Canal)

In lock at Stoke Prior
Working up the Stoke Locks

The sun was shining again as we set off along the canal, we stopped at the water point to fill up with water, then headed on along the canal and into the first of the six locks we doing today.  Mind you the lock was full so I had to empty it first.  We were soon through there and on along the canal to the next locks, the next four are close together so quite easy to do.  Unfortunately these were all full as well, but never mind it was a lovely sunny day so no need to rush.

Boat going in lock on its own!!
In Stoke Top Lock
The canal was very quiet and we didn’t see any boats until the last lock, so that was good as that meant the lock was set for us.   We did our usual method up the locks, Kev got off lock at the steps and the boat went in on its own, clever boat, but where's Whally oops I mean Kev!!

Under the bridge we went and moored opposite The Queens Head pub at the bottom of Tardebigge lock flight, we are saving that for another day!!

The Queens Head
We chilled out for a bit, then walked down the road and along a footpath, into an industrial estate and you come to a Morrisons and an Aldi.  We got our shopping and headed back to the boat.
When we got to the moorings this morning they were empty then one boat joined us, but when we got back from our walk they were almost full with hire boats.  What we couldn’t then believe was that two hire boats went up Tardebigge and it was 5.30pm, what were they thinking, it will be dark before they get to the top, the thought of doing that at this time of the day will give me nightmares!!

We are now staying here for a couple of days, resting after doing two days on the trot and six locks each day, what were we thinking of!!  Tardebigges 30 locks will wait for another day.

Moored at the Queens Head


  1. They must be mad to start out at that time of day!
    I don't blame you both for gearing yourselves up with a couple of days rest before the 'big thirty'!

  2. Well another boat went one better they moored up in front of us and went to the pub when they came back they untied and headed up the locks it was about 8pm at night!!! Madness come to mind they were with another boat that stayed the night but was gone when we woke up so goodness knows what time they left and they are supposed to be on holiday!
