Thursday 19 May 2016

Top Lock Tardebigge to Alvechurch (Worcester & Birmingham Canal)

In Tardebigge Top Lock
In Tardebigge Tunnel

We are off to Alvechurch so set off along the canal to Tardebigge Top lock, this lock is a deep lock about 11ft, so not the nicest one to do.  It was full so I emptied it then Kev came along, hopped up the steps and the boat went into the lock on its own, clever boat!!

Not far to go now!
We were soon through there and stopped at the services to fill up with water, get rid of rubbish etc. then into Tardebigge Tunnel we went, this tunnel is 580yds long so not too bad.  It doesn’t take too long to go through and soon we were out in the sunshine again.  We stopped at the Anglo Welsh boat yard to get diesel and gas, it is  good place to stop as they always keep a space free, some of the other ones don’t and it is difficult to get in to moor up.
Shortwood Tunnel

Boat coming the other way
We chugged on along the canal and soon we came to Shortwood Tunnel, this tunnel is 613yds long so a bit longer than the last one and is a bit drippy inside.  We were just coming to the end of the tunnel and a boat came in from the other directions, it is wide enough for two boats to pass so no trouble, but first time we have ever met a boat in this tunnel.

We chugged on in the sunshine, over a small aqueduct, past Alvechurch marina and moored up in the visitor moorings just after Bridge 60.
We had lunch then walked down to the bridge and up onto the road.  Alvechurch station is just there.  We walked on up the road, down a hill and into Alvechurch village centre where there was two butchers, a coffee shop, a chemist, three takeaways and a co-op.  We went in the butchers and got a few things, then had a coffee in the cafĂ©.  It is a nice village.

We carried on through the village and went back to the canal via Bridge 61 so we did a circular walk.

We then walked over the Alvechurch Marina to have a look in the chandlery.

We are staying here tonight, then moving on tomorrow.

Moored at Alvechurch


  1. What great tunnel pictures! Hope you are having a good time! Love from Cat and Ang.x

  2. Hi thanks the pictures came out okay, sometimes they are abit hit and miss, I'm no David Bailey!! we are having a lovely time and weather mostly dry hope you are both okay xxx
