Friday 13 May 2016

Hanbury Wharf to Top of Astwood Locks (Worcester & Birmingham Canal)

Passing Droitwich Canal
Coming into Astwood Bottom Lock
Passing house on lock
Working Astwood Flight
The sun was shining this morning but a tad cooler than of late, but did warm up a lot as the day wore on.  We set off along the canal, past the entrance to the Droitwich canal and on up the canal to the Astwood flight of locks, there are six locks in this flight but they are not very deep and quite close together and have steps up the side of the locks so we can put our routine of pulling boat in and Kev doing one side and me doing the other into action.  There was a boat in front of us so it was quite slow going as I had to empty each lock before we went in but it was okay and it was such lovely weather and these locks are set in lovely countryside so we were in no rush. 
Astwood Top Lock

We worked our way up the flight and soon we were in Astwood Top lock, our last lock of the day.  Soon through there and under the bridge and then we moored up in a lovely sunny spot.
Kev is going to spend the afternoon painting the gunnels and I have a few chores as well, then when the work is done, we will chill out.

We are staying here tonight then moving on tomorrow up a few more locks. 

Moored at top of Astwood Locks

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