Tuesday 10 May 2016

Tibberton to Dunhampstead (Worcester & Birmingham Canal)

We are chugging on to Dunhampstead today, all of 1½ miles so normal service is resumed, doing all those miles and locks in one go is not in our nature!

Leaving Tibberton
Passing Oddingley with small church
It had been raining in the night and when we set off, it was a bit drizzly but not heavy rain.  We left Tibberton and chugged along the canal passed Oddingly and the small church near the canal, under a few bridges and then we were at Dunhampstead and we moored up and we didn’t pass any boats, the canal is very quiet this morning.

Cowslips & bluebells lining path
We chilled out for a bit.  Kev said that the rain was forecast to turn heavier around 1pm, so what did we do, we went out for a walk at 12.30pm and yes you’ve guessed it, the rain turned harder and we got wet!  We walked along the tow path to Dunhampstead tunnel and walked up over it and back down a lane to the bridge over the canal. 

The Firtree Inn
We walked down to the pub The Firetree Inn where we were going to have some refreshment, but like last time we were here it was closed, this time there was a sign saying closed due to flood!

So we got wet for nothing!!  Never mind, we walked back to the boat and had lunch on board instead.
We are staying here tonight then depending on the weather, we may chug on to Hanbury Wharf a couple of miles up the canal or stay here again .
Moored at Dunhampstead

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