Thursday 10 September 2015

Willoughby to Hillmorton (North Oxford Canal)

We are only going a few miles today so we had a fairly late start and chugged off along the canal in lovely sunshine and it was quite warm as well, which makes a nice change!!

There was a boat in front of us and I am sure Sammy Snail was steering as they were going even slower than we do and Kev had to keep going into neutral and up behind us came another boat and I think this time Lewis Hamilton was steering, he didn’t want to wait and wanted to get past us but as we said to him, there is a boat immediately in front of us going really slow so he won’t get anywhere and the stretch of canal we were on wasn’t exactly wide for passing and there was a steady stream of boats coming the other way, so he did stay behind us but wasn’t happy.  Sammy Snail eventually pulled over so we could go past and the idiot behind us speeded up and almost went into the back of us, but pulled back just in time.  We went on along the canal and then he didn’t seem to want to go so fast and was quite a way behind us, people are very strange.
Passing under the M45

We carried on along the canal and soon we were going under the M45, past Barby moorings marina, around a bend and we moored at the top of Hillmorton locks.

Cafe at Badsleys Wharf
We had lunch then went for a walk down two locks to the cafĂ© at Badsleys Wharf.  We had a coffee and homemade lemon drizzle cake, which was really good, sat in the garden by the canal.  

Tunnel under the Railway
We then walked up the road to see where the Aldi was, its about a half hour walk from the canal and you have to walk through a short tunnel under the railway line We were told by another boater that it was closed for refurbishment at the moment, but they are putting on a bus to the Aldi in Rugby, so we went for a recky as we thought we might catch that bus tomorrow if we could find out where it went from.  Before we went for our walk, I rang Aldi and they said the bus was running Friday, Saturday and Sunday on the hour from 9am to 5pm.  We found the Aldi store okay and then walked along the road to Hillmorton village where there is a couple of pubs, a post office, a co-op and a few other shops. We then carried on walking and Kev found the way from there back to the canal so we did a circular walk rather than go back the way we had come.

We are staying here now for a couple of days before we head off down the locks.

Moored at Hillmorton

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