Tuesday 1 October 2019

Hurleston Junction to Nantwich - Shropshire Union Canal

Sunday 29th and Monday 30th September

We stayed put on Sunday and didn’t do much.  It was a sunny morning so we headed out for a walk, we did take umbrellas with us as rain was forecast and they were right as when we were walking back, it started to rain and got harder and harder and so we got a little wet but we managed to get back to the boat before it absolutely chucked it down.

Bright Morning at the Moment
Today (Monday) we are moving onto Nantwich and we were pleased to see it was dry today and the sun was out.

On we go
We set off from our mooring along the canal going under a few bridges.  We passed a few boats going the other way but the canals are generally quiet now.

We chugged on, Harry sat out the back with Kev as usual.  
Harry Ready to Face the Rain

After a couple of miles, we were at Nantwich and we were going to moor in the moorings before the bridge and the services but there were plenty of moorings the other side so we went there instead.  We got the first mooring nearest the services which is always good as then we can reverse back to get water before we leave.

Coming into Nantwich
I then went into town to do some food shopping while Kev took Harry for a walk while the sun was still shining.  Later on in the afternoon it clouded over and started to rain and got harder and harder so Kev and Harry had to put raincoats on when they went out for their teatime walk, glad it was Kev’s turn to take him and not mine!

We are staying here for a couple of days now then will head on a bit further slowing making our way to Audlem.

Moored at Nantwich

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