Saturday 28 September 2019

Calveley to Hurleston Junction - Shropshire Union Canal

Thursday 26th to Saturday 28th September

Bunbury Locks
A Bit Dark Today
Coming to a Bridge
Thursday and Friday – We went out for a few walks in between the showers.  We walked down to the Bunbury staircase locks and watched a few boats go through.  There was a man on a boat there and he brought his dog to see us, it was an Alaskan Malamute and it was enormous and it scared the living daylights out of Harry!  The dogs fur was so soft and he was really placid but I think we will stick to Harry.

Passing Calveley Mill Cafe
Bridge on the Bend

Saturday – Today we are moving on and although the forecast wasn’t too good, it was dry when we got up, so we set off along the canal to the water point.  We filled the tanks and got rid of rubbish then went on our way.

Barbridge Junction
Going Through Barbridge
We passed the Calveley Mill café and went under a few bridges.  We then came to Barbridge Junction and went past the Middlewich Arm and on along the canal.  We then had a heavy rain shower and we were going to pull in, but it only lasted about 5 minutes and then the sun came out, so we went on.

Harry Coming Back from his Walk
We went under a couple more bridges and then we were approaching Hurleston Reservoir and Junction where we moored up.
At Hurleston Junction

Did you say it was Teatime!!
We had lunch then went for a walk up the locks at the start of the Llangollen canal and walked off the canal and up the lane to get some eggs.  When we were walking back, we had another rain shower so we sheltered for a few minutes in a building at the top of the locks.  It didn’t last long and then the sun came out again so we walked back to the boat.

We are staying here tonight and tomorrow then off to Nantwich on Monday.

Moored at Hurleston Junction

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