Thursday 5 September 2019

Hack Green to Coole Pilate - Shropshire Union Canal

Wednesday 4th September

Beautiful Rainbow
We are on the move today but not far, just around the corner to Coole Pilate Leisure Area where there are picnic benches and BBQs.

Coming to a Bridge
We set off along the canal on a nice sunny morning.  We went under a two bridges and then we were at Coole Pilate where we moored up.  There was only a couple of boats there so plenty of room for us.
Lots of Geese in the Field

Nice Bright Morning
In the afternoon we went out for a walk as it was dry and quite sunny but windy.  We walked along the towpath and got off at Bridge 80 and walked down the track to Overwater Marina.

Nearly at Coole Pilate
There is a nice cafĂ© there so we stopped off there for a coffee.  They make really nice scones and today the scone of the day was cheese so we had one of them and delicious it was too.

Many Geese on the Canal
Many Ducks
It had gone a bit overcast and started spitting with rain as we left the marina but got harder and harder.  We did shelter under a few trees but still got quite wet.  We walked on and then the sun came out and there was a beautiful rainbow over the fields.  We managed to get back to the boat in the dry.

In the evening we looked out the window and the canal was full of ducks, we have never seen so many all together and a bit further down was many geese, the canal was full!

We are staying here for a couple of days as it is a really nice spot to moor then on Friday we will chug down to near the marina as this weekend they have an RNLI fundraising weekend so we will pop along to that.

Moored at Coole Pilate

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