Wednesday 25 September 2019

Bridge 80 to Barbridge - Shropshire Union Canal

Monday 23rdand Tuesday 24th September

We are on the move today (Monday) after mooring here for a week and it was dry as we set off along the canal.  We are going 8 miles and have two locks to do, wow that is a lot for us in one day, but rain is forecast for tomorrow and we don’t want to get wet so chose the lesser of the two evils!!

Lots of Bridges Today
Hack Green Locks
We chugged on and soon were approaching Hack Green locks.  Unfortunately a boat had gone down in front of us so we had to fill the lock first and then in we went and down the lock and onto the next one.  That one was empty as well so we filled it up and down we went.

Lockie Today!
Lots of Geese Today
There was a boat waiting to come up so we left the gates open for them and went on our way.  After a couple of miles we were at Nantwich, over the aqueduct we went and past all the moored boats.  We were going to stop at the services but it was full so we went on.

We went on under a few bridges and then came to Barbridge where we moored up.

Nantwich Aqueduct
We are staying here tonight and also tomorrow as Harry the Jack Russell is coming to stay for two weeks while Jane and Malcolm go on holiday.  We are looking forward to him staying as he is a fun little chap and no trouble and Kev is looking forward to all the walks.

Coming to Hurleston Junction
Tuesday – It rained most of the day so we didn’t venture out, we did a few jobs around the boat and got things ready for Harry coming to stay.  The rain did stop late afternoon and the sun eventually came out.

The Barbridge Inn
Early evening, we went over to the Barbridge Inn to meet Jane, Malcolm and Harry and we all had tea in the pub.  Kev and I had the Pies and really good they were, proper pies with short crust pastry base and puff pastry lid and packed out with meat.  We all enjoyed our food then we went back to the boat for a drink before Jane and Malcolm headed off.  Kev took Harry for a walk to take his mind off them leaving him.  He looked for Jane and Malcolm for a bit then settled down in my chair and cuddled up, he has been here before so I am sure he will settle in and have a good holiday with us.
We are staying here tonight then off to Calveley in the morning.

A Nice View Through the Bridge

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