Thursday 10 October 2019

Bridge 80 to Audlem (between locks 14 and 13) - Shropshire Union Canal

Sunday 6th to Wednesday 9th October

Sunday – we had some rain in the morning, but it dried up in the afternoon so we went for a walk to the cafe at the marina.  It wasn’t very warm outside, so we went inside the cafe.  Aunty Lauren wasn’t there today as it was her say off, but we got Harry a sausage and we had a scone, it was a cheese one today and very nice it was too.  We then walked back to the boat.
Coming to the Marina

Harry looking for Lauren at the Cafe
Monday – We are on the move today just about a mile and two locks to Audlem ready for Harry going back home on Tuesday.  The forecast for today was not good and for heavy rain, but although it was overcast, it was dry so we decided to take a chance and hope it holds off for a bit.
Passing Moss Hall

Coming into Audlem Bottom Lock
We set off along the canal and Harry took his usual place at the back with Kev.  We passed the marina and Moss Hall and then came to the bottom of the Audlem flight of locks.

Harry in Charge in the Lock
Chugging to the next lock
Lock No. 15
I got off and walked up to the lock.  It was full so I had to empty it, then in came Kev and Harry.  These locks aren’t very deep so soon we were at the top and going on to the next one.

There was a boat coming down, so they left the gates open for us.  We were soon through that lock and moored up in the visitor moorings before the next lock.  We did managed to get moored up in the dry, but then had some rain although nothing like they said it would be.
In Lock No. 14

Off They Go to Moor Up
In the afternoon, we went for a walk up the locks and then through the village, across the playing field and back to the boat.

We are staying here now in Audlem for a few days.  Harry lives in Audlem and is going back home tomorrow, it’s been lovely having him to stay and we shall miss him, but he is coming again in November for a week so we shall look forward to that.

Tuesday – In the morning, we took Harry for his last walk before he goes home.  Jane and Malcolm arrived in the afternoon to pick Harry up.  It was lovely to see them and we had a nice catchup and heard all about their cruise.  We then say goodbye and they went off home with Harry, it was sad to see him go as we will miss the little whirlwind but as they live in the village, we will see them all again soon.

Harry Snuggling in the chair
Kingfisher opposite our boats
Wednesday – It was nice to see the sun shining when we got up as we have had a lot of rain recently.  We looked out of the window and sat on the top of the boat opposite was a kingfisher, I managed to get a photo then he suddenly dived down into the water and came up with a fish and flew onto the cruiser in front of the boat he was first on.  I did managed to get a photo of him with the fish before he flew off but they are so quick it’s quite difficult getting a good photo.   

Kingfisher with Fish
Mid morning, we walked up to Sheila and Tony’s for morning coffee.  Kev and Tony then went off to get some logs for us and Sheila, me and Brock walked back down to the boat.  It was really good timing, as when we got there Kev and Tony had just arrived.  We carried the bags of logs to the boat then waved Sheila, Tony and Brock off, but we will see them on Friday as we are going out for lunch so looking forward to that.

Late afternoon, the coal boat Halsall came down the locks and stopped alongside to drop off some bags of coal, it’s great getting it from a boat, they give a really good service and are very friendly.

Tomorrow morning, we are moving up one lock which is near a road as we have ordered new batteries and they are being delivered sometime tomorrow, then we will stay moored there until the weekend.

Moored at Audlem

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