Monday 7 October 2019

Coole Pilate to Bridge 80 - Shropshire Union Canal

Friday  4th and Saturday 5th October

Harry waiting for his sausage
Friday – We stayed put today and in the afternoon, we walked down to the cafe in the marina as it was a sunny afternoon and surprisingly warm for October.  Lauren, Malcolm’s niece was working at the cafe, 

Harry was very pleased to see her and he got a sausage so he was happy.  We had a coffee sat outside then walked back.  Although the sun was out, it started to rain on our way back, but it wasn’t much so we got back without really getting wet.  Late afternoon we lit the fire and just chilled out for the rest of the evening.

Coming to a Bridge
Saturday – We are moving about a mile down to Bridge 80.  We wanted to watch the Rugby as England were playing, so we set off just after 9am.  We went under a few bridges and moored up before the bridge in time to watch the Rugby on plus one.
Off we go

Used to be a bridge here
A few ducks about
In the afternoon, we walked down to Audlem as it was a nice afternoon.  We got a few supplies in the Co-op then walked back down the towpath back to the boat.

My Kingfisher
Here he is again
Opposite where we were moored, a Kingfisher came and sat on a branch.  I did get a couple of photos but it was quite difficult as I had to open the window to take them and not scare him off at the same time, they didn't turn out too bad, I am getting better at this picture taking lark!

We are staying here tonight and also tomorrow, then on Monday weather permitting we will chug down to Audlem and moor up ready for Harry to go back home on Tuesday.

Moored at Bridge 80

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