Wednesday 28 August 2019

Hurleston Junction to Nantwich - Shropshire Union Canal

Tuesday 27th August

We are on the move today just a few miles to Nantwich.  It was very hot and sunny as we set off along the canal.

Coming to Bridge 96
Passing Moored Boats
Going Round the Bend!
We went under a few bridges on along the canal.  We passed a few boats coming the other way and there was a hire boat in front of us who pulled into the winding hole where we thought he was turning but he said he just wanted to go slow so let us pass, not sure why as we weren’t going very fast but we didn’t argue, we went by and then he followed us.

Coming to Nantwich
We came into Nantwich and wanted to stop at the services.  There was a boat there but she was just finishing so she moved off and we took her place. 

When we had finished at the services, we moved over to the moorings and tied up.

We then walked into town, had a coffee and a snack at our favourite café, Nantwich bookshop or as we call it The Library and then went to Aldi for some supplies.
Nearly at the Moorings

We walked back to the boat and it got overcast and very humid.  By the time we got back to the boat it had started raining but it didn’t last long and then the sun came back out.

We are staying here now for a few days as tomorrow I am off back to Weston as on Thursday it is my Dad’s first year Anniversary and I am going to spend the day with Mavis, Dad’s partner and also help sort arrangements for my Mum's funeral and then come back to the boat on Friday.  Kev will stay with the boat and have a couple of days to himself which I am sure he is looking forward to, peace and quiet!!

Moored at Nantwich

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