Monday 26 August 2019

Barbridge to Hurleston Junction - Shropshire Union Canal

It was a bit misty and grey and a lot cooler than yesterday as we set off from our mooring along the canal and past the Barbridge Inn where we had lunch yesterday.
Passing the Barbridge Inn
Under We Go

We chugged on under a few bridges, we passed one or two boats coming the other way but it was fairly quiet.

Lots of Ducks Today
Not So Sunny Today
We went on and then Hurleston Reservoir came into view.  We went past the junction with the Llangollen canal, under the bridge and moored up in the visitor moorings not far from the bridge.

Passing Hurleston Reservoir
One More Bridge To Go
In the afternoon, the sun came out and it was very hot again. We walked up the locks at the start of the Llangollen canal and out onto the road, along there for a short distance and then we were at Snugburys Ice Cream Farm and was it busy, there was hundreds of cars and people, they were queueing off the main road to get in.  We walked in off the road and not far in there was a queue of people and we thought that can’t be the queue for ice creams but it was!

Passing the Llangollen Canal
Snugbury Bee
Long Queue for Ice Cream
Snugbury Bee
We got on the end and waited our turn, it didn’t take very long and soon we were at the counter.  Today I had my usual Sea Salt Caramel and a new flavour for me Liquorice and Raspberry, Kev had Choc Mint Chip and Honey and Ginger.

Yummy Ice Cream
Lovely Wild Flowers
We found a bench in the shade to eat them.  We then walked down to see the Snugbury Bee, he is magnificent.  They have a sculpture every year and this year they decided on a bee to highlight the decline of the bee in the UK.

We walked back up and back to the road and the queue for ice cream was even longer.  We walked back along the road and stopped off at the house that sells free range eggs and then back on the canal, down past the locks and back to the boat.

We are staying here tonight then off the Nantwich tomorrow.

Moored at Hurleston Junction

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