Wednesday 28 August 2019

Hurleston Junction to Nantwich - Shropshire Union Canal

Tuesday 27th August

We are on the move today just a few miles to Nantwich.  It was very hot and sunny as we set off along the canal.

Coming to Bridge 96
Passing Moored Boats
Going Round the Bend!
We went under a few bridges on along the canal.  We passed a few boats coming the other way and there was a hire boat in front of us who pulled into the winding hole where we thought he was turning but he said he just wanted to go slow so let us pass, not sure why as we weren’t going very fast but we didn’t argue, we went by and then he followed us.

Coming to Nantwich
We came into Nantwich and wanted to stop at the services.  There was a boat there but she was just finishing so she moved off and we took her place. 

When we had finished at the services, we moved over to the moorings and tied up.

We then walked into town, had a coffee and a snack at our favourite café, Nantwich bookshop or as we call it The Library and then went to Aldi for some supplies.
Nearly at the Moorings

We walked back to the boat and it got overcast and very humid.  By the time we got back to the boat it had started raining but it didn’t last long and then the sun came back out.

We are staying here now for a few days as tomorrow I am off back to Weston as on Thursday it is my Dad’s first year Anniversary and I am going to spend the day with Mavis, Dad’s partner and also help sort arrangements for my Mum's funeral and then come back to the boat on Friday.  Kev will stay with the boat and have a couple of days to himself which I am sure he is looking forward to, peace and quiet!!

Moored at Nantwich

Monday 26 August 2019

Barbridge to Hurleston Junction - Shropshire Union Canal

It was a bit misty and grey and a lot cooler than yesterday as we set off from our mooring along the canal and past the Barbridge Inn where we had lunch yesterday.
Passing the Barbridge Inn
Under We Go

We chugged on under a few bridges, we passed one or two boats coming the other way but it was fairly quiet.

Lots of Ducks Today
Not So Sunny Today
We went on and then Hurleston Reservoir came into view.  We went past the junction with the Llangollen canal, under the bridge and moored up in the visitor moorings not far from the bridge.

Passing Hurleston Reservoir
One More Bridge To Go
In the afternoon, the sun came out and it was very hot again. We walked up the locks at the start of the Llangollen canal and out onto the road, along there for a short distance and then we were at Snugburys Ice Cream Farm and was it busy, there was hundreds of cars and people, they were queueing off the main road to get in.  We walked in off the road and not far in there was a queue of people and we thought that can’t be the queue for ice creams but it was!

Passing the Llangollen Canal
Snugbury Bee
Long Queue for Ice Cream
Snugbury Bee
We got on the end and waited our turn, it didn’t take very long and soon we were at the counter.  Today I had my usual Sea Salt Caramel and a new flavour for me Liquorice and Raspberry, Kev had Choc Mint Chip and Honey and Ginger.

Yummy Ice Cream
Lovely Wild Flowers
We found a bench in the shade to eat them.  We then walked down to see the Snugbury Bee, he is magnificent.  They have a sculpture every year and this year they decided on a bee to highlight the decline of the bee in the UK.

We walked back up and back to the road and the queue for ice cream was even longer.  We walked back along the road and stopped off at the house that sells free range eggs and then back on the canal, down past the locks and back to the boat.

We are staying here tonight then off the Nantwich tomorrow.

Moored at Hurleston Junction

Sunday 25 August 2019

Cholmondeston (Middlewich Branch) to Barbridge (Shropshire Union Canal)

Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th August

Lovely Night Sky
Our Brunch
Friday and Saturday we stayed put and did a few jobs and just chilled as it was very hot and sunny, too warm to do much.  We did go for brunch on Friday at the café at Venetian Marina a short walk away and we both had breakfast and very good it was too.  Saturday afternoon we walked down to the cafe and sat by the canal watching the boats waiting to go through the lock.  It was very busy and there was quite a queue.

Today (Sunday) we are moving on to Barbridge.  We wanted to stop at the Marina to get diesel and the chap there said they would be open from about 8.30am so we decided to go early so that we could get through the lock before the queues. 
Train Going Above Us
Coming to Venetian Marina

We set off from out morning just after 8.30am and stopped at the marina.  We got diesel and used the Elsan.  A boat came through the lock so we decided to go through then as it was set for us.

Coming into Cholmondeston Lock
Cholmondeston Lock
Coming to the Junction
I walked up to the lock and opened the gates, Kev brought the boat in, I opened the paddles and up we went.  We were soon going out the lock and we stopped at the water point to fill up.  There was a boat getting water so when they had finished it was our turn.

Nice Reflections Today
Once the tank was full, we went on our way, under a few bridges and passed a long line of moored boats and then we were approaching Barbridge Junction and turned left back onto the Shropshire Union canal.  We went through the narrow bit and moored up in the visitor moorings just after.

Out of the Junction We Come
Back on the Shropshire Union
We were meeting our friend Jane in the pub at lunchtime so we walked up the towpath, over the bridge and into the car park where Jane and Harry her lovely little dog was waiting for us.  Harry was very pleased to see us especially Kev.

Jane's Roast Lunch
My Chicken Ceasar Salad
Jane and Harry
Kev's Burger
It was very hot today so we decided to sit inside where it was cooler.  We went in and got a table and had a look at the menu and ordered our food.  It soon came and it was really good and good sized portions.  We all had a dessert then we walked back to the boat for a cup of tea.

We then walked Jane and Harry to their car.  It was great to see them and spend time together but no doubt we will meet again soon.

We then walked back to the boat and sat outside for a while in the shade.

We are staying here tonight then off to Hurleston Junction in the morning.

Moored at Barbridge

Friday 23 August 2019

Aqueduct Marina to Cholmondeston (before Bridge and Marina) - Middlewich Branch


Thursday 22nd August

We are moving a couple of miles today back to Cholmondeston.  The sun was shining as we set off along the canal but very windy today.

Passing Aqueduct Marina
Lock Up Ahead
We went past Aqueduct Marina and shortly after came to Minshull lock. A boat was just coming out so I got off the boat and went up to the lock and Kev brought the boat in. I opened the paddles and we were soon up the top of the lock and out we went.

Coming into the Lock
Minshull Lock
We went under a couple of bridges and past Sykes Hollow Leisure area with picnic tables and BBQs and along a bit further and moored up in a nice open spot before Venetian Marina.

Straight Section of Canal
Sykes Hollow Leisure Area
We were moored by a huge field and there was a tractor in there with a big machine on the back cutting the grass and putting into lines.  A tractor and trailer then came and a machine which sucked up all the grass and blew it into the trailer, I think they are making silage.

Big Machine in the Field
We had lunch then went for a walk along the towpath to the marina where there is a café so got a coffee and sat by the canal.  We then walked up to the lock and sat up there awhile people watching and seeing a few boats go through the lock. We then walked back to the boat.  It has been a nice dry day today but very windy which plays havoc with Kev's hair!!

We are staying here for a couple of days then on Sunday we will chug onto Barbridge.

Moored at Cholmondeston Before the Bridge and Marina

Wednesday 21 August 2019

Church Minshull to Aqueduct Marina - Middlewich Branch

Monday 19th to Wednesday 21st August

Painted Lady Butterfly
Monday morning we decided to move to the other side of Bridge 13 where there are some nice moorings with a lovely view but most of the moorings has a shelf which you bang against but there are a couple of spots just outside the official moorings with no shelf and you can get right into the side and also has the best view so Kev walked down to see if they were free and they were so we moved down to there.  Only thing is you have to use pins as there is nothing to tie a chain to which is okay.  A boat moored in front of us and another boat went so fast past us that it pulled his pins out and his boat was drifting out.  Kev went and told them and they retied and even one of our pins had moved but not come out so Kev banged in it a bit more.

Inside the shop by the Canal
Shop by the Canal
On our way down the canal we saw a sign saying there was a gift shop and ice creams in a farm near the canal so we walked back along the canal to find it.  There was a gate from the canal into their garden and up into the yard and there was a shop selling gift, candles, ice creams and accessories for weddings and parties which I think is their main business.  

We had a look around, bought an ice cream which was Snugburys and then walked back to the canal, along the towpath and back to the boat.

Today (Wednesday) we are moving on today just a mile along the canal to Aqueduct Marina where we are meeting our friends Sheila and Tony and their lovely dog Brock.

Leaving our Mooring
Bridge 11
We set off along the canal, under a couple of bridges and moored up in the visitor moorings for the marina.

We walked up to the car park and Sheila and Tony were already there.  Me, Sheila and Brock went to the cafe for a coffee while Tony took Kev to Nantwich to get some wood.  When they got back, they said they had to go back later as Kev wanted the wood cut up and it wouldn’t be ready until after lunch.  We all had another coffee sat outside then went inside for some lunch which was really nice.

Used to be a Bridge here
Moored in the Marina Visitor Moorings
After lunch, we had a walk around the marina which is very nice and then we all went to Nantwich to get the wood. When we got back to the marina we went back to the cafe and all had an ice cream and then Tony drove us around the marina to where we were moored.

We took the wood to the boat then waved Sheila, Tony and Brock goodbye, it was really nice to see them and we had a lovely day together.  I am sure we will meet up again soon.

We then moved across to the other side of the canal to the moorings there as you can only stay on the marina moorings for four hours.

We are staying here tonight then moving on a bit further in the morning.

Moored Opposite the Marina