Monday 7 August 2017

Nantwich to Hurleston Junction (Shropshire Union Canal)

Off we go
We are on the move today and actually leaving Nantwich behind us, well until  September when we will be back.  It has been great being in this area for a while, but it is now time to head to pastures new.

Crossing Nantwich Aqueduct
We set off from our mooring and stopped off at the services.  There was a couple of boats there so we had to wait our turn to get water, etc. 

When we had filled up, got rid of rubbish, etc. we chugged off under the bridge and along the canal.  The canal seemed quiet today, not like last Monday when it was really manic.

The sun was shining at times this morning, but at least it was dry.  After a couple of miles, we moored up in the visitor moorings just before Hurleston Junction which is the junction with the Llangollen Canal.

Two Ice-Creams!
We had lunch then walked up the four locks and up onto the bridge and up the road to Snugbury’s Ice Cream Farm.  We thought we would have one more before we leave this area as it is so nice and also the sun was shining, so just right for ice-cream!

Yum Yum!
I had my usual Sea Salt Caramel and Kev had his usual Mint Choc Chip, but they also had a new flavour, Rhurbarb and Elderflower made with their own Elderflowers, so Kev had a scoop of that as well and lovely it was too.

We sat on a bench in the sun to eat them.  It was very busy this afternoon with lots of families.

We walked back to the boat and on the way stopped off at the house that sells free range eggs. They are a really good price and great eggs.  The hens were running around in the field by the house.  The view at the top of the locks was lovely today, really clear and we could see our boat down on the canal.

We then sat on the bench which is at the entrance to the Llangollen canal.  It is always entertaining sitting there and today was no exception.  A boat came under the bridge going fast and then realised they had missed the junction. There was an old chap steering and I think he was in a world of his own as he wasn’t listening to anyone.  There was a boat behind them which turned okay onto the Llangollen so then the old chap had to reverse the boat back to wait for their turn.

View from top of locks including our boat
Well, what a mess he made, in the end Kev went and helped him turn around.  Kev said throw me your rope and he tried to give Kev the centre rope, Kev actually wanted the back rope to pull him round!

We then heard them say that they were complete novices and didn’t have a clue.  The chap on the boat in front of them came back down and had to show the girl how to operate the lock as she said she didn’t know what to do!  All I can say is I was very glad we weren’t following them, it’s a disaster waiting to happen!  Apparently it is a boat that someone hires out from Nantwich marina, but hiring to people who don’t have a clue what to do is not good, locks and canals can be dangerous places, quite irresponsible of the people who is hiring out the boat really.

After all the entertainment we went back to the boat.  We are staying here tonight then moving on tomorrow.

Moored at Hurleston Junction

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