Tuesday 1 August 2017

Morning on the Driving Range, Hankelow

Monday 31st July

Lovely area on our walk
We are off to Hankelow today to the Golf Club.  As we are moored down the bottom of the locks this time, we walked back up to Bridge 80 and got off there and followed the bridle path to a lane and along there and eventually we came out on the main road just before the Hankelow sign.  It was a nice walk and we walked over the River weaver where there was some old houses, I think they were mill cottages.

Kev on the driving range
We walked along the main road and soon came to the Golf Club.  We went and got a basket of balls and soon we were whacking them down the driving range, it is such great fun and I can actually hit them a fair way now!

Me on the driving range
Our lunch at the Golf Club
We then walked up to the club house and had some lunch overlooking the course, there were a few playing.  After lunch, we got another basket of balls and hit a few more before we walked back along the road to Audlem. 

We have to walk past Sheila and Tony’s house so we stopped off there to see them and had a cup of tea and then Sheila and I had a G&T and Kev had a beer.  They are so lovely and lots of fun, we had such a laugh hearing all Sheila’s stories.  They have a lovely little dog called Brock, he is a Dandy Dinmont Terrier and is so cute, he has huge eyes and wanted to play, so Kev played with him.
Little Brock greeting us
We said bye to them but will see them again in October when we are in this area again.

We called around to Janes on our way back as we had a parcel delivered there.  Harry wasn’t there as he was at the vets, he was having the snip, poor Harry!  We had a drink with Jane then walked back to the boat.  I will see Jane again on Saturday at Antheas and Kev will see her in September as we are looking after Harry while they go on holiday.

We then just chilled out for the rest of the day and tomorrow we finally leave Audlem, turn around and head back towards Nantwich. 

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