Wednesday 23 August 2017

Billinge Green Flash to Marston (Trent & Mersey Canal)

Riverside Farm Shop
Lovely Views
Yesterday (Tuesday), we stayed put and walked up to the Riverside Organic Farm Shop and Café, it is about a mile from where we were moored.  It is a lovely place, they have a small shop selling their own reared Aberdeen Angus beef and Texel lamb and locally sourced free range pork and chicken as well as organic fruit and vegetables and chutneys, jam and honey made by the bees around the farm.

They also have a café where you can sit outside with wonderful views over the valley, it really is a lovely place. They also have a children’s corner with climbing frames and some small pigs and goats.

Inside the Farm Shop
We bought a few things in the shop then had lunch outside looking at the lovely views.  We both had their homemade burgers, Kev had beef and I had lamb and they were really good.  They also sell Snugbury’s ice-cream so obviously for our dessert, we had to have one, it’s such lovely ice-cream.

It is well worth a visit from the canal and we shall be stopping again on the way back.

Today, we are moving on a few miles to Marston.  We left our mooring and chugged on along the canal, there were a few boats around but the canal is quite quiet.
Leaving Billing Green Flash

Passing the new Marina
We passed the marina which was being done the last time we were here three years ago and it is now open, but there aren’t many boats in there, not surprised really as there are no facilities and it still looks half finished.

Just up from there is another small marina which is much nicer and full of boats.
Passing through the Chemical Plant

We went past Broken Cross and was pleased to see that since we were here last they have repaired the moorings outside the pub and they are now nice and tidy as before it was all falling into the canal and didn’t look that safe to moor on.

Pathway in the Flashes
Information Board
On we went, right through a Chemical Works, very industrial this part  and after a couple of miles we were at Marston and moored up in the visitor moorings.

Newmann's Flashes
We had some lunch then went out for a walk.  We walked up the road and into Neumann’s Flashes where they have made some nice footpaths and also some hides so you can look out over the flashes and see the wildlife.  It is a really nice walk and we followed another path which took us to Northwich and the Asda.
Another Information Board

We stopped off at their café for a coffee, then  did some shopping and then walked back on a different path which led to where we came into the flashes.  We walked back along the road and back to the boat.

We are staying here tonight and also tomorrow as we are off to visit the Lion Salt Works so looking forward to that.
Moored at Marston


  1. We saw a sign along that stretch after the chemical works that said if you heard a siren to get out quick (or words to that effect) — a bit difficult if you're on the canal in a bot!

  2. We kept our fingers crossed there was no leaks as we went by!
