Monday 7 August 2017

Anthea's Afternoon Tea Party

Saturday 5th August

It was our friend Anthea’s 60th birthday yesterday and today she is having afternoon tea at here house for all her girlfriends and I have been invited.  Her partner Dave is picking me up at 3pm.

Anthea opening her presents
In the morning we walked into the town and did some shopping, there was a craft market in the square so we had a look around there.  We also went to the book shop (we call it The Library) for a drink and a sandwich then we walked back to the boat.

We met Dave on the main road and he drove me to their house. 

Some of the girls
Still opening presents!
I had a really lovely afternoon and evening with all the girls, some I have met before and some I hadn’t so it was really nice to meet the rest of the gang.  Jane was there so that was good.   

Sitting with Jane
We had Pimms and also G&T and Anthea did a lovely Buffet/Afternoon Tea.  I made her a ginger cake and it is Dave’s favourite so when he came back in the evening, he was trying to guard what was left!  One of her friends made her some Rocky Road and it was scrummy.  Another of her friends made Scones and they were delicious complete with Jam and Cream!

Anthea and one of her cakes!
We had a great time chatting, drinking, eating and laughing.  Anthea had two birthday cakes so I took some home as after all the other goodies, I was full and of course Kev got a piece as well.

Dave dropped me back to the boat about 11pm, latest I have been out in ages but well worth it, it was great to see Jane, Anthea and Dave one more time before we leave the area and I was very grateful that they invited me to the gathering as I really enjoyed it.

We are staying here in Nantwich Sunday as well and then it is time to leave.

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