Sunday 16 August 2015

Market Harborough (Market Harborough Arm) to Foxton Locks (Leicester Arm)

We are leaving Market Harborough today and chugging back up the arm to the bottom of Foxton locks.  We topped up with water before we left.  There are services in the basin but on the visitor moorings there are several taps so its easy to get water here.

Going through 1st swing bridge
We chugged back up the arm leaving Market Harborough behind us.  It is a nice town and worth making the detour from the main canal to visit for a day or two.  It is quite winky wonky for the first couple of miles and narrow in places but the canal was very quiet so got up through there without any incidents.

There are two swing bridges on this arm which we have to operate.  We got to the first one and I went to work it.   There was a small cruiser the other side of the bridge and the chap was on his own so I said I would do the bridge and he could go through first then Kev would come through.  You have to put your key in the unit and turn it, then pull over the barriers each end of the bridge by hand, then pull a red lever and push the bridge open.  It is very heavy and I had to put my full strength into it, I think I looked like a front row prop in a scrum!!

Approaching 2nd swing bridge
The cruiser and then Kev went through the bridge and I shut it and we went on our way.  The second swing bridge is just before the junction with the Foxton Locks and being a weekend there was plenty of people around, so I made sure I did the bridge properly this time and pushed it the right way.  This one is not so heavy so did it okay.
Going through 2nd swing bridge

We were now back on the Leicester Arm and chugged on up around the corner and moored in the visitor moorings.

While we were chugging along, I put the roast in the oven, today we are having roast chicken, roast potatoes, stuffing, veg and gravy and treacle sponge pudding.  Shortly after we moored up, it was all ready, so we sat down and filled our faces.

Suitably full, we just chilled out for the rest of the afternoon and evening, well we couldn't really move that far with all that food!!  We are staying here tonight then moving off in the morning.

Moored at the bottom of Foxton locks

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