Thursday 6 August 2015

Braunston to Norton Junction (Grand Union - Leicester Line)

Wednesday 5thAugust

Braunston Church
We are staying in Braunston again today, so we had a lazy start, then mid-morning, we walked up on to the road and walked along to Midland Chandlers to have a look around.  After that we walked up into Braunston village, past the church and along the main street to the village shop.  The Community café is opposite the shop and we went in for a coffee and a snack.  We had to wait a bit as they had a power cut, but it was soon fixed and we got our order.  The cakes, tea cakes, scones, bread, etc is all made by people in the village and it is run by volunteers.  It’s a really good café and very reasonably priced, the cake and tea cakes were delicious.

We walked back to the canal via the park and the locks.  We chilled out for a bit, then had a walk to the top of the locks.  An old chap called Len who lived in Banwell who we got to know used to live in the cottage at the top of the locks when he was a boy, his father used to look after Braunston tunnel and he told us lots of stories about when the barges came through carrying chocolate to Cadburys in Birmingham, they used to shave off pieces of it for him.  It was nice to see the cottage where he lived.
We are leaving Braunston tomorrow, off up the Leicester Arm of the Grand Union Canal.

Thursday 6th August

In Braunston locks with Ian & Clare
We are chugging off today, and we wanted to set off promptly as we have six locks and a tunnel to do today.  We were getting ready to go, when a boat called Book and Spud came past and turned around in the marina entrance.  We met the people on that boat up in the village yesterday at the Community Café, so as they went back past, we asked them if they were going through the locks and if so did they want to pair up as these locks are double ones, they said yes so we set off behind them to the flight of six locks.  Their names were Ian and Clare (to their family they are known as Nanny Book and Grandad Spud!) and they had two lovely dogs, a border collie and a labradoodle.

Leaving Braunston Top Lock
Clare and I went up to the first lock as there was a boat coming down and the lady on it was very stern and when we said shall we open this paddle and she could do the other side, she said one of you needs to go over there as you will need to open both gates as you have two boats, we knew this but she was rather shirty, I was going to go over, but as she was opening the paddle I waited until she had finished, but she said to me you need to go over the other side, I said I will when you have done the paddle, we helped open the gates and she went on her way.  We felt like naughty school girls!!  Not sure why she told us off as we were only trying to help, but it was quite funny.

Our passage up the rest of the locks was very smooth as there were a few boats coming down, so most of the locks were set for us and it was nice to travel up with Clare and Ian, we chatted as we went along and helped each other.

Entering Braunston Tunnel
Passing a boat in the tunnel
We got to the top of the flight and just around the corner Braunston Tunnel was waiting.  It is a wide tunnel so boats can pass and as this is a busy stretch of canal, the chances of meeting boats coming the other way are pretty high.  If we do, it will be our first time passing in a tunnel as all the other tunnels we have done, we have never past anyone and sure enough this time we past five.  

Ian and Clare going out the tunnel
We made it!!
We actually both enjoyed going through Braunston tunnel and before we knew it, we were coming out the other side, I think it was because you are thinking about the boats coming towards us and the boat in front so that takes your mind off being in the tunnel.

Braunston tunnel opened in 1796, to bore through the Northamptonshire heights, the tunnel is 2042 yds long.  Its construction was hindered by quicksands, and a mistake in direction whilst building has given it a slight S bend.

Norton Junction
Safely through the tunnel, we were soon at Norton Junction, we waved goodbye to Clare and Ian as they were going straight on and we turned up the Leicester section arm of the Grand Union canal.
Approaching Norton Junction
We stopped for water, then moored up.   

Shop at Buckby locks

We walked back to the junction and went for a walk down to Buckby locks and walked to the gift shop on the second lock.  We got an ice cream and sat by the lock for a bit watching the boats go through, then walked back to the boat.

We are chugging on tomorrow and as all this section is new to us, it’s quite exciting going into the unknown wondering what tomorrow will bring.

Moored at Norton Junction

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