Tuesday 4 August 2015

Flecknoe to Braunston (Grand Union Canal)

Pat, Patrick & Poochie
The three P's chugging on
Yesterday our friends Pat, Patrick and Poochie stopped by to see us on their way down the canal towards Oxford and the Thames.  They came mid-morning and we all had home-made cake and biscuits and tea and a good catch up.

They chugged on later in the morning and we waved them goodbye.  It was great to see them them again and hopefully we will meet up again maybe not on this trip as we are going opposite ways, but there is always next year.

At BraunstonTurn
We are moving on today and it is sunny and warm at the moment.  We chugged off along the canal and up to Braunston Turn and turned right to Braunston.  We stopped for water, then chugged on, this stretch is really busy, boats everywhere, we were just going past the entrance to Braunston Marina when we saw a space on the end, so Kev whacked it in reverse and we manoeuvred into it but there was a couple of boats behind us who didn’t want to wait and then two boats which were moored up were going as well so it all a bit chaotic.  To make matters worse, one of the boats which untied and moved out broke down and had no revs, so had to come back in!  Eventually, he got his boat sorted and they left and we moved up and got moored up.

The Stop House
Braunston is a well-known canal centre, it is no less significant today than when the Oxford and Grand Junction canals were first connected here.  It is set on a hill to the north of the canal.  The village is really a long main street, a little separate from the canal, with houses of all periods.
Stop House Sign
The canal narrows slightly here to mark the original junction of these two canals and where tolls were collected.  A stop lock once prevented water from entering the Grand Junction canal , the remains of which are still visible.   The Stop House was originally the Toll Office between the Oxford Canal and the Grand Junction Canal.  Over Braunston Marina is a fine example of a Horseley Iron Works Bridge. 

We walked up the footpath from Bridge 1 and was soon in the village. There is a village shop which is very well stocked and a Butchers.  We went in there and bought some meat, everyone we meet says how good this butcher is so we had to try some.  The butcher was a really friendly chap as well.
There is also a community café, which was closed today, but will be open tomorrow, so we will probably have another walk back up then.

Braunston Marina
We walked on along the village and found another footpath which took us down through a small park and onto the canal at Braunston Bottom Lock.  Wharfhouse Narrowboats are there alongside the canal so we went and had a look around their chandlery which is very well stocked.  We then walked up three locks to The Admiral Nelson pub which is right by one of the locks.  We got a drink and sat in the garden watching the boats through the lock, it was extremely busy, we have never seen so many boats moving around at once, as usually the canals we have been on have been very quiet.  They were queueing both ways at most of the locks.  

We walked back down the towpath to the boat.  We had a bit of lunch, then had a wander around Braunston Marina.  It is quite a nice marina but a lot of boats in there.

We are staying here again tomorrow, then chugging off on Thursday.  It’s great to be at Braunston with our boat as we have only ever been here by car before so nice to come by boat this time.

Moored at Braunston

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