Tuesday 18 August 2015

Fleckney to Wistow (Leicester Arm - Grand Union Canal)

In Kibworth Top Lock
Coming into next lock
We set off from Fleckney this morning, it was a bit chilly, overcast and windy, but at least it was dry.  We went up around the corner to the first lock.  It was empty, so we went to fill it up, while we were waiting for it to fill, another boat came along, the boat was called Matilda, the guy who was called Ross is from Australia, so it must be Waltzing Matilda!!  Ross is over here on a boating holiday, he comes over from April to September and travels around the waterways, then leaves his boat in a marina until he comes back again.  His wife is usually with him, but she hasn’t been well so he was on his own.  We suggested that we tie the boats together then he could take them both down the lock and Kev could help me with the gates and paddles, so that is what we did.  

After the first lock, we untied the boats as the next locks was a fair distance away, but when we got into the second lock, we tied them together again and they stayed that way for the next two locks, it worked really well and Ross managed the two boats brilliantly.

Kev and Ross in Cranes Lock
When he came out the fourth lock, we untied as there was a narrow bit of canal to go through, so I walked on and got the last lock ready so they could both come straight into the lock.  We were stopping shortly after this lock, so we said bye to Ross and he waltzed on his way.

We chugged on up the canal under Bridge 78 and moored just after at Wistow.

Wistow Rural Centre Sign
Canal in the model village
Model Village
We had lunch, then walked up the towpath and onto Bridge 79 and followed the footpath across the field and onto the road which was more of a lane really, over a cattle grid where there were cows roaming freely and on the other side of the road was Wistow Rural Centre.  Here there are craft shops, a Deli/Farm Shop, a Garden Centre, a Café/Bistro and a small model village.  It is a really good place to look around and we had a nice afternoon browsing around the shops and then had a ice-cream at the café, it was Swiss ice-cream and it was absolutely delicious.  It’s a really good place and well worth a visit being so close to the canal.

Farm Shop/Deli
In the Farm shop/Deli, they were doing gin tasting so obviously we had to have a try and what lovely gin it was too, there was a local gin, Burleighs which came from Loughborough and a gin made by Adnams.  We liked them both, but preferred the Adnams so treated ourselves to a bottle.  We also bought some Greek potato cakes and a slice of ginger cake soaked in honey.  They also sold lots of other lovely things to eat and drink.

The Maze
Opposite the Rural Centre there was a maze which is made in a sweetcorn field, it looked really good and there were lots of families there.  There are over 3 miles of paths in an 8 acre field and was in the shape of a rugby player, although you needed to be in the air to see this!  We didn’t go in as really you need a whole day to appreciate it properly, maybe next time when we are this way again as they do it every year in different shapes.

We took another footpath on the way back and it brought us out at Bridge 78 and we walked back up the towpath to the boat.

We are staying here tonight then we have 7 locks to do tomorrow and then we will be at Kilby Bridge where we are turning around, but will moor there for a couple of days as our friends, John, Sharon and Smuggler are coming the other way on their boat and we are going to rendezvous there, so that will be nice to see them and catch up.  This evening the sky looked like it was on fire as the sun was setting, it was really beautiful.

Sunset at Wistow
Moored at Wistow

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