Saturday 22 August 2015

Kilby Bridge to Wistow (Leicester Arm - Grand Union Canal)

We are turning around today and going back down the canal.  It was hot, humid and sunny as we turned around in the winding hole which was just past where we were moored at Kilby Bridge.  We stopped at the services to get water, get rid of rubbish etc.  While we were there another boat came into the services, a girl who was on her own. She asked us if we were going through the locks and we said yes, she said did we want to share with her.  Her Mum lives nearby and was coming to help with the lock and also her mum’s partner was cycling down the towpath to meet her and help with the locks as well.  It sounded like a good idea to us, so we said that would be good.
Coming up Bumblebee Lock

We set off along the canal to the first lock, we are doing 7 today.  It was full so we had to set the lock first but with two of us doing it, it didn’t take long.  Through this lock and onto the next one where we met the chap on the bike who had come to help as well.   Having an extra pair of hands really helps.
Chugging onto the next lock
The next couple of pounds between the locks were very low of water and we had to stay right in the middle of the canal otherwise we would have got stuck on the bottom.  Kev did have a bit of trouble getting in one of the locks, he went so far in and just stopped, but he gave it some welly and eventually got into the lock.

Almost up Newton Top Lock
We met a few boats coming down so the last couple were set for us, which always makes life easier.  We all worked together and before we knew it, we were in Newton Top lock, our last lock for today.  The girl who was on the other boat, her dad lives in the cottage by this lock, so she stopped to fill up with water.  We said bye and thanks for the help and went on our way down the canal under Bridge 80 and 79 and then moored just after there in the spot we moored at on the way down.  It is a nice sunny quiet spot.
We had lunch and watched the Qualifying of the Grand Prix, then walked up to the Rural Centre just across the fields and up the lane that we visited on the way down.  It was quite busy again today.  We had a wander around and went in the Deli and bought some Turkish Delight Pistachio flavour and some home-made Baklava made by the Turkish chap who runs the shop.  We also had an ice-cream and then walked back to the canal.  It was very humid and we heard some rumbles of thunder as we walked back to the boat, but it didn’t come to nothing and the sun came back out, it was still very hot though.

We are staying here tonight, then chugging on tomorrow, not that far though just through five locks and a tunnel.
Moored at Wistow

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