Monday 17 August 2020

Stafford Boat Club to Acton Trussell (Staffs & Worcs. Canal)

Monday 17th August

Here She Comes
Going Back Down
The last week has soon passed and before we knew it, we were being winched back into the water.
We had to wait for the boat behind us to go out first and then it was our turn and back down the slipway we went and back into the water.

All was going well and the boat was slowly being winched back into the water when it came to a grinding halt.  
Almost Back in the Water

Being Pulled In
Nobody was sure why but they pulled it back up the slipway a bit then tried again and this time she went smoothly into the water, they think maybe a stone or stick got caught underneath.

We reversed out of the boat club and onto the main canal and off we went to Acton Trussell a couple of miles away. 
Leaving the Boat Club
Going into Deptmore Lock

We soon came to Deptmore lock and in we went very carefully, we don’t want to scrape our newly painted sides.

Deptmore Lock
Coming to a Bridge
Once through there, we chugged on and then was approaching Acton Trussell where we moored up opposite the Moathouse Inn.  The new propeller worked well and we flew through the water and it didn’t come off so that was a relief!

Coming to Acton Trussell
We are off to the Moathouse for a meal tonight as they are doing the Eat Out to Help Out scheme.  Back in AprilI  I was going to treat Kev to a nice gourmet meal here for his birthday but due to covid, it was closed so Kev dipped out so this is belated birthday meal but it’s now in my favour, as with the Government scheme it will be 50% off up to £10 per person and the restaurant is closed Monday and Tuesday so it will be from their lounge bar menu, so Kev says he’s dipped out again! Oh dear never mind, I am sure it will be nice and I will make sure he gets a gourmet meal next birthday.
Heron on the Towpath

Moored at Acton Trussell
We are staying here tonight then in the morning, we are off to Penkridge.

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