Saturday 29 August 2020

Little Onn to Gnosall (Shropshire Union Canal)

Friday 28th August

We were glad to see the rain had stopped and it was dry when we got up, although it was felt more like October than August.

Cormorant in the Canal
No Sun Today
We untied and set off along the canal, we are just going a few miles today to Gnosall.

We went under a few bridges and past another line of moored boats.

Coming to High Onn
Cormorant Taking Off
In the water ahead of us was a Cormorant, don’t see many of them around so nice to see.  He kept diving down and coming up ahead of us, then flying ahead a short distance and landing in front of us again.  We then came to a bridge where a boat was coming the other way so the Cormorant went into the bushes and then goes off over the canal.

More Moored Boats
We went on along the canal and came to Cowley cutting which is cut out of rock and quite narrow and leads to Cowley tunnel which is only 81yds long but was originally intended to be much longer, 690yds, but most of it was opened out at an early stage during construction in 1831 because of dangerous faults in the rock and now only the 81yds remain.

Overhanging Trees
We were soon through the tunnel and went under one more bridges and moored in the moorings opposite the Boat Inn.

Cowley Tunnel
In Cowley Tunnel
We then walked into the village up to the Coop.  We came out and it was pouring with rain, luckily we had taken umbrellas with us.  We walked back down to The Bakery, although they do sell bread, it sells everything, a great shop.

Cutting cut out of the Rock
We walked back to the boat in the rain, although it had eased off quite a bit.  We had rain on and off most of the afternoon.

We are staying here for a few days now and hopefully will set up shop over the weekend and do some trading, the weather forecast is for dry sunny weather so let’s hope they are right and people will come out and about and we will make a few sales.  Also our friend Bill and his little dog Peanut, who we met up with a while ago is on his way back down this canal and will be arriving here in Gnosall tomorrow so no doubt we will have a catch-up and a beer with him!

Moored at Gnosall

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