Friday 31 July 2020

Wolseley Bridge to Great Haywood (Trent & Mersey Canal)

Tuesday 28th to Thursday 30th July

Taft Bridge
Tuesday morning we moved around the corner to the moorings by Wolseley Bridge. Mid morning I walked up to the Nature Reserve and met my friend Jane and we had a good wander around the reserve and then we had lunch in the garden centre which was next door. It was a really nice day together, Kev stayed on the boat and made a few more items to sell and on Wednesday we stayed put and did a few jobs and Kev was getting things ready to sell at the weekend when we get to Great Haywood.
Off We Go

Thursday – We are on the move today just a couple of miles up the canal to Great Haywood. 

The sun was shining and it was already very warm as we set off along the canal.  It was a bit quieter this morning so we didn’t meet many boats.

Waiting at the Lock
We soon came to Colwich lock.

Quiet Canal
A boat was just going up the lock so I walked up to the lock and when they had gone out and shut the gate, I emptied the lock, opened the gates and Kev brought the boat in.  I shut one gate then attempted to shut the other gate it was really heavy and I was struggling then a friendly cyclist stopped and gave me a hand so that was good.

Colwich Lock
Smuggler's Friend!!
A boat came along wanting to go down so we went out and left the gates open for them.

We chugged on along the canal past Little Haywood and then Shugborough Hall came into view so we knew we were nearly at Great Haywood.

Shugborough Hall
Coming to the Footbridge
We moored below Haywood lock and Kev went to see if there were any spaces above the lock as we want to trade this weekend and you get more footfall there.

Coming into Haywood Lock
There were a few spaces so we untied and headed off to Haywood lock.  We went under the footbridge and then we were there. 

Haywood Lock
There was a boat going up the lock which had broken down and was being towed by another boat, so by the time they had got the broken down boat up the lock and tied it back on to the other boat and pulled it out of the lock quite a queue had built up waiting to go down, at least four boats were waiting.

Our New Signage
One came down the lock and then it was our turn.  In we went and as it is only a shallow lock, we were soon through and on our way to the moorings leaving all the kayos behind us.

We moored up a few boats from the junction.

Mind the Gap
Set up for Trading
In the afternoon, we walked down to the marina to collect some paint we had ordered from them to black our boat with when we go into dry dock in 10 days time.

We then walked back up to the farm shop and café and sat on the terrace by the canal in the shade as it was so hot and had an ice cream. I went in the farm shop and got some cooked ham and a few other things so we could have a ploughmans for our tea.

We are staying here for the weekend now and do some trading from the towpath and maybe sell a few items, the weather forecast is good so hopefully there will be lots of people about.  
Moored at Great Haywood

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