Monday 27 July 2020

Rugeley to Taft Bridge (Trent & Mersey Canal)

Monday 27th July

Blue Sky at the Moment
We were going to move this morning after we had finished our shopping but it rained on and off all morning so we abandoned the idea.

Off We Go
Tree Overhanging the Canal
We had lunch and mid afternoon, it brightened up and the sun came out, so we decided to move a couple of miles up to near Taft Bridge where there is a lovely mooring just for one boat and if that is taken there are other nice moorings a bit further on.

Passing the Bloody Steps
We set off along the canal under a bridge and leaving Rugeley behind us.

Coming to the Aqueduct
We then came to the bend in the canal where the bloody steps are, past them and over the aqueduct we went and on along the canal.

Black Clouds are Coming
We had a few spots of rain but nothing much and then the sun came out again.

Passing a Swan
View from our Mooring
We went on a bit further and was glad to see the mooring spot for one was empty so we moored up there and within five minutes of us getting here, the heavens opened and it poured down but we were inside all nice and dry so how lucky was that.

We are staying here tonight then tomorrow we are moving around the corner to Wolseley Bridge and I am meeting my friend Jane at the Nature Reserve for a walk around and lunch at the garden centre so looking forward to that.

Moored Near Taft Bridge

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