Saturday 15 September 2018

Wolseley Bridge to Great Haywood - Trent & Mersey Canal

I came back from Weston yesterday and this morning we were moving on.  During my absence, Kev had moved up from the Plum Pudding to Wolseley Bridge.

After we got back to the boat yesterday afternoon, we were sat watching the TV and suddenly it felt as though the boat was launched into the air, my glass of juice shot off the side and went all over the floor, my Jewellery boxes were on a shelf above the bed and they were launched into the air and landed on the floor the other side of the boat, it felt like we had been rammed and indeed we had been a boat came around a slight curve then onto the straight where we were moored, another boat was coming the other way under the bridge and past us and as the boat coming around the curve was going so fast he hit the boat in front of us and then straight into us, he didn't attempt to slow down or take any action at all, he didn't even say sorry, all he said was I wasn't going that fast.  

Lovely Morning
One Out, One In
He got a torrent of abuse from both of us as he hit us really hard and it was totally unnecessary and Kev had been hit twice already earlier in the week, not as hard, but this was the last straw!  We don't usually say much, but today he got both barrels!  He reversed back and then went past us with “you need driving lessons mate or if not stay in the marina” ringing in his ears!

In He Comes
We are just going a couple of miles up to Great Haywood and the sun was shining as we set off along the canal.  We chugged on for a bit then came to Colwich lock and a boat was just coming out of the lock so I got off and Kev headed straight into the lock.  I closed the gates, opened the paddles and up the boat came.

In Colwich Lock
We opened the gate and just as we were doing that, a boat came under the bridge, so we left the gates open for them and chugged out the lock, under the railway bridge and on along the canal, past Little Haywood and we moored at Great Haywood below the lock with lovely views of Shugborough Hall.
Under the Railway Bridge

We had brunch then went out for a walk up to the Canalside Farm Shop, Cafe and Marina.  We went down to the Marina office as we have booked our boat in there next week as we are both off back to Weston on Wednesday until Friday for my dad's funeral and we just wanted to check with them we were all booked in.  It was all okay and they are expecting us next week, it is a nice marina and they are very friendly.

We then went into the farm shop and got a few things, then headed to the cafe for a coffee.  It did spit with rain while we were out, but it stopped and then the sun came out and it was a nice afternoon.

We are staying where we are moored until Tuesday then we are off into the marina and down to Weston on Wednesday.

Moored at Great Haywood

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