Tuesday 25 September 2018

Weekend in Great Haywood Marina

Saturday 22nd September

We got back from Weston yesterday afternoon.  The funeral went really well, the service was really nice and there was a good turn out, about 50 to 60 at the service and over 40 for the do after and we had carvery which was really good.

Harry Has Arrived
Little Brock
Today Harry the Jack Russell is arriving.  Jane and Malcolm have already gone on holiday so Malcolm's parents Sheila & Tony are bringing him to us.

They arrived about 11am, it was really good to see them again as we haven't seen them this year, they have a little dog called Brock, he is a Dandie Dinmont Terrier and so sweet with huge eyes and he came as well.  We went in the cafe and sat on the terrace by the canal and had breakfast which was very nice.  They then drove into the marina and we unloaded Harry's stuff and we all went on the boat.

All Back on the Boat
We had a hot drink and then Sheila and I had a gin as we do, we never miss opportunity to have one!!  By the cafe is the farm shop, so before Sheila and Tony left, they had a look around there and bought a few goodies.  It was then time to say goodbye, it was great to see them and catch up and I am sure we will see them again in the not too distant future.

We then walked up to the shop then back to the boat.  We are staying in the marina until Tuesday.

Sunday 23rd and Monday 24th September

Two Pals Out Walking
Sunday – It was not such a sunny day today, windy and overcast but we went out for a nice walk down the towpath to Essex Bridge and up the path which runs alongside the Shugborough Estate to the car park where there is a plant shop.  We walked on past there and took the public footpath which takes you up to Hadrian’s Arch, a monument on the Shugborough Estate, we then walked back the way we came stopping off at the shop where they had a wheelbarrow full of produce grown on the estate so we got some purple potatoes, a leek and some onions.  We then walked back to the boat.  We then just chilled out for the rest of the day.
In Shugborough Estate

Now Where's That Cat!
Sitting in the Park
Monday – We are off into the Shugborough Estate today for a nice walk and taking a picnic lunch with us.  The sun was shining as we set off out of the marina, down the towpath, over Essex Bridge and into the Shugborough Estate.  We took one of the paths which led us to the Cat Monument.  They think it was erected in memory of the cats that lived in the house years ago.  On the top of the monument is a cat, it looked like it was hiding from Smuggler our friend's dog who hates cats!
View from our Picnic Spot

Having our Picnic
We walked on around the grounds, they are really lovely with some nice ornamental bridges.  There is a lovely view of the back of the house where we were walking and we stopped at one of the benches with this lovely view to have our lunch, it was such a nice quiet sunny spot.

Shugborough Hall
After lunch, we walked on around, past the boat house and then we were at the back of the house, we had a walk around the gardens there and then went to the tea room for refreshments.  We then walked on through the grounds and came out at the car park, they had bunches of flowers grown on the estate today as well as vegetables in the wheelbarrow, so I got some more potatoes and flowers, you just give a donation.  We then walked back down the path to the canal and then back into the marina. It was a lovely walk around Shugborough Estate, it is a great place and we can't wait to visit again and it was a glorious sunny day as well.

It is our last night in the marina and tomorrow morning we are off out on the canal.

1 comment:

  1. I took a photo of Smuggler under the cat monument, back in June. I almost caught him looking up at the cat, but of course he looked away just at the lat minute! I'll send it you :-)
