Tuesday 18 September 2018

Moored at Great Haywood and Going into Marina

Sunday 16th, Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th September

Lovely Gardens
The last couple of days we have been moored at Great Haywood.
Nice Building in Gardens

Shugborough Hall
Essex Bridge
Sunday – it was a bit overcast when we got up but not too bad, so we had breakfast then went out for a walk.  We walked up to the bridge then over Essex Bridge, an old packhorse bridge and into the Shugborough Estate.  The gate was open into the grounds so we went in and had a lovely walk around and got a lovely view of the back of the house and then walked on around over some ornamental bridges and then came to the front of the house and the cafe so we stopped off for a drink then walked back out to Essex Bridge and back to the boat.  We had a really nice walk. 

Going under the Footbridge
 Monday – We decided to move up above the lock as where we were moored, the WiFi and phone signal wasn't very strong and we know it is better above the lock.  The sun was shining and it was warm as we set off from our mooring, under the footbridge and then we were at the lock.

Coming into the Lock
It is only a shallow lock and there was boat coming down, so I helped them through and then Kev came into the lock and I shut the gates and opened the paddles and up we went.

In Haywood Lock
We were just leaving the lock and a boat came around the corner so we left the locks open for them and chugged around the corner and moored up before the junction.
Essex Bridge

Moored above Lock at Great Haywood
In the afternoon, we went out for our walk and first walked up to the shop in the village then back down to the canal and over Essex Bridge and into the Shugborough Estate.  We walked straight down this time and then up the path that leads to the house and stopped off at the cafe for an ice-cream and walked up past the house and back down the path to the canal and the boat.  We are staying here tonight then off into the marina tomorrow morning, strong wind is forecast for then so getting into the berth they have allocated us should be fun!

Today (Tuesday) we are off into the marina.  We left our mooring about 10am as it wasn't too windy and thought we would get in there and settled before the strong winds come.

Passing the Junction
We went past the junction with the Staffordshire and Worcestershire canal, under the bridge and along the canal and then came to the marina entrance and we turned in.

Coming to the Junction
They had already told us which space we were having and it was right near the office and the main car park.  We got into the space okay and tied up.  The moorings are gated and you need a code for the gate so we had to ring the office to let us out.  We went and checked in with them and they gave us all the necessary codes and information.  It is a really nice marina and they are all so nice and friendly.

Coming into the Marina
We are staying in here now until next Tuesday as tomorrow we are off down to Weston staying with my friend Davina and on Thursday going to Taunton for my Dad's funeral, it will be a very sad day and I still can't quite believe he has gone but it will be good to get it all over with and say our final goodbyes.

We will be back to the boat on Friday, then on Saturday Harry the little Jack Russell is coming to stay, while his mum and dad, our good friends Jane and Malcolm who live in Audlem, go on holiday so we are looking forward to having him, he is a lovely little dog and full of mischief and it will be nice to have a dog for a bit to go out walking with and have cuddles with!

Moored in the Marina

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