Saturday 29 September 2018

Wolseley Bridge to Great Haywood - Trent & Mersey Canal

Lovely Sunset
Harry in the Nature Reserve
Greenfinch on the Feeder

We stayed put yesterday (Friday) and after breakfast we walked up to the garage on the main road to get a few things then had another walk around the nature reserve as it was another sunny warm day.  

We sat on a bench by the river again for a bit then walked on through the reserve and all around the paths.  There is a hide on the lake where they have bird feeders and so we sat in there and watched a greenfinch feeding.  We then walked back to the boat and just chilled out.

Passing NB Dexta
We are turning around today and heading back up the canal to Great Haywood.  It was another glorious morning as we set off from our mooring under the bridge and on along the canal.  

Our Picnic Spot Yesterday
Coming to the Lock
The canal runs parallel with the River Trent and we could see the spot the other side of the river where we sat and had our picnic in the nature reserve.  We chugged on along the canal past the diesel boat NB Dexta and to the winding hole where we turned around and came back up the canal.

Kev & Harry Coming up the Lock
Lovely Harry
It was quite quiet today and we only passed a couple of boats coming the other way and then we were approaching Colwich lock and a boat was just coming out so they left the gates open for us.

Colwich Lock
I got off and walked up to the lock and Kev brought the boat in.  I shut the gates and then opened the paddles to fill the lock.  It didn’t take long and we went out the lock shutting the gates behind us and on along the canal past Little Haywood and then we were approaching Great Haywood and we moored up in a lovely open sunny spot with views of Shugborough Hall.

Lovely View of Shugborough Hall
We had lunch, then walked up to the footbridge, went over that and into the village to go to the shop.  We then walked down to the farm shop and I went in and got some sausages, bacon, ham, local tomatoes and a few other goodies.  We then had a coffee in the cafe and then walked back to the canal and sat on a bench for a while near the junction in the lovely sunshine before we walked back to the boat passing the Candy Boat on the way and so obviously I had to buy a couple bags of sweets.

We are staying here tonight then off tomorrow up past the junction and a couple of miles up the canal to Weston-upon-Trent.

Moored at Great Haywood

Thursday 27 September 2018

Great Haywood to Wolseley Bridge - Trent & Mersey Canal

Coming into Colwich Lock

We are on the move today just a couple of miles and it was another sunny warm day as we left our mooring and set off along the canal passing a few boats coming the other way, under a few bridges and then we were approaching Colwich Lock.

Filling up the Lock
The lock was empty so I opened the paddles and filled it up and Kev brought the boat in. A boat turned up waiting to come up so the lady helped me with the lock and we were soon out and on our way again.  We chugged on along the canal and then came to Wolseley Bridge where we moored up in the sunshine.
Going Down the Lock
Wolseley Nature Reserve

Having our Picnic
Geese in the River
Nearby is Wolseley Nature Reserve which is a really nice place to walk around, so we packed a picnic and set off along the road and into the reserve.  We took one of the paths through the park and walked along by the River Trent where there are plenty of benches so we sat on one of them to have our lunch.  It was lovely sitting by the water in the lovely sunshine.

Lovely Autumn Trees
Harry Running Through the Water
A group of geese came by, I think they were going to get out, but saw us and changed their minds, the flow on the river was quite fast and they kept getting swept sideways, it did look funny.

After lunch we had a good walk all around the park then stopped off at the Information Centre for an ice cream before walking back to the boat.

We then just chilled out for the afternoon.  We are staying here tonight and also tomorrow then turning around and heading back up the canal on Saturday.

Moored at Wolseley Bridge

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Tixall Wide (Staffs & Worcester Canal) to Great Haywood (Trent & Mersey Canal)

When we got up the sun was shining and it was another lovely dry day.  We had breakfast then set off back along the canal to the junction at Great Haywood.  The canal was busy today.

Coming to a Bridge
Going Over the Aqueduct
Coming to the Junction
Haywood Lock
We went under a couple of bridges and over the aqueduct and was just coming to the junction when a boat turned in so we waited for them.  They said they were reversing into the hire place that was just there but then they seemed to stop.  The lady said the engine had conked out and the man on the back of the boat just stood there while the poor lady climbed on one of the hire boats and struggled to pull the boat in while he just watched, she did it eventually no thanks to him and we passed them and turned right onto the Trent & Mersey canal.

Captain & Crew in the Lock
The Captain!
All the moorings above the lock  were full so we went on to Haywood lock.  There was a boat coming up so I helped them through and then it was our turn.  This is a shallow lock so doesn't take long to go through and a boat came behind us so the lady came to help and there was also a boat waiting to come up.

We went under the footbridge and moored up with lovely views of Shugborough Hall and in a nice sunny spot.

Sitting in the Sun
We had lunch then went for a walk up to the junction and sat on a bench for a bit watching the world go by.  We then walked over to the farm shop and as it was such a warm sunny afternoon we had an ice cream, they sell Snugburys ice cream which is delicious and they had my favourite flavour salted caramel.  We sat on a bench to eat them and shared them with Harry, he likes ice cream as well.

We then walked back down the towpath, across Essex Bridge and had a walk around the Shugborough Estate then back to the boat.

We are staying here tonight then moving on a few miles to Wolseley Bridge tomorrow.

Moored at Great Haywood

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Great Haywood Marina (Trent & Mersey Canal) to Tixall Wide (Staffs & Worcester Canal)

Leaving the Marina
Coming to the Junction
Onto the Staffs & Worcs We Go
Lovely Sunny Day
We are leaving the marina this morning and the sun was shining when we got up.  We walked up to the shop first to get bread and milk then when we got back, we untied and off we went out of the marina and back onto the Trent & Mersey canal.  We went under two bridges and then we were at Great Haywood Junction where we turned right onto the Staffordshire & Worcester canal.

Harry Keeping a Look Out!
We chugged on along there meeting a couple of boats coming the other way.  We are only going about a mile today to Tixall Wide, a wide expanse of water which is a lovely place to moor.

We were soon approaching Tixall Wide where we turned around and moored up.  We then had brunch and chilled out for a while.

Sunset Over Tixall Wide
In the afternoon we went for a walk along the towpath to the lock as it was a lovely sunny warm afternoon.

We are staying here tonight then off back to Great Haywood tomorrow as although Tixall Wide is a lovely spot to moor, this time of year there is not much sun until late afternoon because of the trees and the sun being lower in the sky and we want to take as much advantage of the sun as we can while it is still shining, so we will move and moor below Great Haywood lock where it is more open and hopefully more sunny!

Moored at Tixall Wide

Weekend in Great Haywood Marina

Saturday 22nd September

We got back from Weston yesterday afternoon.  The funeral went really well, the service was really nice and there was a good turn out, about 50 to 60 at the service and over 40 for the do after and we had carvery which was really good.

Harry Has Arrived
Little Brock
Today Harry the Jack Russell is arriving.  Jane and Malcolm have already gone on holiday so Malcolm's parents Sheila & Tony are bringing him to us.

They arrived about 11am, it was really good to see them again as we haven't seen them this year, they have a little dog called Brock, he is a Dandie Dinmont Terrier and so sweet with huge eyes and he came as well.  We went in the cafe and sat on the terrace by the canal and had breakfast which was very nice.  They then drove into the marina and we unloaded Harry's stuff and we all went on the boat.

All Back on the Boat
We had a hot drink and then Sheila and I had a gin as we do, we never miss opportunity to have one!!  By the cafe is the farm shop, so before Sheila and Tony left, they had a look around there and bought a few goodies.  It was then time to say goodbye, it was great to see them and catch up and I am sure we will see them again in the not too distant future.

We then walked up to the shop then back to the boat.  We are staying in the marina until Tuesday.

Sunday 23rd and Monday 24th September

Two Pals Out Walking
Sunday – It was not such a sunny day today, windy and overcast but we went out for a nice walk down the towpath to Essex Bridge and up the path which runs alongside the Shugborough Estate to the car park where there is a plant shop.  We walked on past there and took the public footpath which takes you up to Hadrian’s Arch, a monument on the Shugborough Estate, we then walked back the way we came stopping off at the shop where they had a wheelbarrow full of produce grown on the estate so we got some purple potatoes, a leek and some onions.  We then walked back to the boat.  We then just chilled out for the rest of the day.
In Shugborough Estate

Now Where's That Cat!
Sitting in the Park
Monday – We are off into the Shugborough Estate today for a nice walk and taking a picnic lunch with us.  The sun was shining as we set off out of the marina, down the towpath, over Essex Bridge and into the Shugborough Estate.  We took one of the paths which led us to the Cat Monument.  They think it was erected in memory of the cats that lived in the house years ago.  On the top of the monument is a cat, it looked like it was hiding from Smuggler our friend's dog who hates cats!
View from our Picnic Spot

Having our Picnic
We walked on around the grounds, they are really lovely with some nice ornamental bridges.  There is a lovely view of the back of the house where we were walking and we stopped at one of the benches with this lovely view to have our lunch, it was such a nice quiet sunny spot.

Shugborough Hall
After lunch, we walked on around, past the boat house and then we were at the back of the house, we had a walk around the gardens there and then went to the tea room for refreshments.  We then walked on through the grounds and came out at the car park, they had bunches of flowers grown on the estate today as well as vegetables in the wheelbarrow, so I got some more potatoes and flowers, you just give a donation.  We then walked back down the path to the canal and then back into the marina. It was a lovely walk around Shugborough Estate, it is a great place and we can't wait to visit again and it was a glorious sunny day as well.

It is our last night in the marina and tomorrow morning we are off out on the canal.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Moored at Great Haywood and Going into Marina

Sunday 16th, Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th September

Lovely Gardens
The last couple of days we have been moored at Great Haywood.
Nice Building in Gardens

Shugborough Hall
Essex Bridge
Sunday – it was a bit overcast when we got up but not too bad, so we had breakfast then went out for a walk.  We walked up to the bridge then over Essex Bridge, an old packhorse bridge and into the Shugborough Estate.  The gate was open into the grounds so we went in and had a lovely walk around and got a lovely view of the back of the house and then walked on around over some ornamental bridges and then came to the front of the house and the cafe so we stopped off for a drink then walked back out to Essex Bridge and back to the boat.  We had a really nice walk. 

Going under the Footbridge
 Monday – We decided to move up above the lock as where we were moored, the WiFi and phone signal wasn't very strong and we know it is better above the lock.  The sun was shining and it was warm as we set off from our mooring, under the footbridge and then we were at the lock.

Coming into the Lock
It is only a shallow lock and there was boat coming down, so I helped them through and then Kev came into the lock and I shut the gates and opened the paddles and up we went.

In Haywood Lock
We were just leaving the lock and a boat came around the corner so we left the locks open for them and chugged around the corner and moored up before the junction.
Essex Bridge

Moored above Lock at Great Haywood
In the afternoon, we went out for our walk and first walked up to the shop in the village then back down to the canal and over Essex Bridge and into the Shugborough Estate.  We walked straight down this time and then up the path that leads to the house and stopped off at the cafe for an ice-cream and walked up past the house and back down the path to the canal and the boat.  We are staying here tonight then off into the marina tomorrow morning, strong wind is forecast for then so getting into the berth they have allocated us should be fun!

Today (Tuesday) we are off into the marina.  We left our mooring about 10am as it wasn't too windy and thought we would get in there and settled before the strong winds come.

Passing the Junction
We went past the junction with the Staffordshire and Worcestershire canal, under the bridge and along the canal and then came to the marina entrance and we turned in.

Coming to the Junction
They had already told us which space we were having and it was right near the office and the main car park.  We got into the space okay and tied up.  The moorings are gated and you need a code for the gate so we had to ring the office to let us out.  We went and checked in with them and they gave us all the necessary codes and information.  It is a really nice marina and they are all so nice and friendly.

Coming into the Marina
We are staying in here now until next Tuesday as tomorrow we are off down to Weston staying with my friend Davina and on Thursday going to Taunton for my Dad's funeral, it will be a very sad day and I still can't quite believe he has gone but it will be good to get it all over with and say our final goodbyes.

We will be back to the boat on Friday, then on Saturday Harry the little Jack Russell is coming to stay, while his mum and dad, our good friends Jane and Malcolm who live in Audlem, go on holiday so we are looking forward to having him, he is a lovely little dog and full of mischief and it will be nice to have a dog for a bit to go out walking with and have cuddles with!

Moored in the Marina