Thursday 31 May 2018

Weston upon Trent to Great Haywood - Trent & Mersey Canal

The sun was shining again when we got up.  We saw Gerry and Honor before they went off to get the bus and we said bye bye.  It was so nice to see them and we had such a good evening together, really enjoyable and hopefully we will catch up again soon.

Lovely Reflection 
Coming into Weston Lock
We set off along the canal and soon came back to Weston Lock.  It was empty so I had to fill it up and then Kev brought the boat in and I emptied the lock and down we went.  A boat was coming up so we left the gates open and we went on our way.

In Hoo Mill Lock
We chugged on along the canal and then came to Hoo Mill lock.  There was a boat just coming out and one waiting to come up so we were soon through there and on we went.  We passed Great Marina and moored a little past there before we got to the Great Haywood Junction.

Footpath over Canal
Tunnel under Railway Line
We went for a walk along the canal and down past the lock to see how full the moorings were below the lock, there were only a few boat there so plenty of space, we want to move down there tomorrow as at the weekend we are meeting John, Sharon and Smuggler in those moorings and weather permitting we will have a BBQ. 

We then walked up over the footbridge, through a tunnel underneath the railway line and up onto the road and up to the Spar shop to get a few things.  We then walked back down the road to the Farm Shop and Cafe.

Picking Strawberries
We went into the farm shop and needless to say bought a few things, it is a great shop.  They also now have pick your own strawberries so we had to go and do that!

We then walked back to the boat, thundery storms were forecast for this afternoon, but so far no sign of them, it is a lovely sunny evening.

We are staying tonight then off down the lock tomorrow morning to moor down the bottom and wait for John, Sharon and Smugs to turn up.

Moored at Great Haywood

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