Monday 28 May 2018

Stone to Salt - Trent & Mersey Canal

We stayed put on Sunday although the rain didn't come until late afternoon and some thunder and lightening but nothing spectactular.  During the evening Kev stuck his head out the window to see if it was still raining and he said there's a black cat walking along the boat, so I looked out but couldn't see him so I went to the front and lifted the cover and saw the cat in the water so I shouted to Kev and he rushed out and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and flipped him onto the towpath, he was really howling. We did go and knock on the boats around us to see if it was their cat but no it wasn't.  

Off We Go
Diddy House by the Lock
There is a pathway up to a car park and the scout hut so the cat went up there to clean off.  I went back up later and he had gone so hopefully he went off home, our good deed for the day.

Today (Monday) we are on the move and it was another sunny very warm day as we set off, we met a few boats but the canal is quite quiet.
Half Way Marker

In Aston Lock
We are doing two locks today and we then came to our first lock, Aston lock, there was a boat coming up so we waited and then it was our turn, by this lock is the half way marker for the canal and also a diddy little house which I think is used as a shed.

We went on along the canal, past Aston Marina, the views are really nice on this stretch and we passed a few families of geese and cows in the fields.
Lovely Views
Passing Aston Marina

After a bit, we came to Sandon lock and had to wait our turn as there was one coming up and when we were in the lock another turned up so when we went out the lock we left the gates open for them to come in.

Passing Geese Family
We went on for about a mile and moored up just past salt bridge where we moored on the way up.  We had lunch then Kev did a few chores, I sat in my chair!

Burgers are Ready!
In the early evening we had a BBQ, our third for this year as it was such a lovely sunny warm evening.

We are staying here a couple of days now then heading to Great Haywood to meet up with our friends John, Sharon and Smugs at the weekend so looking forward to that.  Also our friends Gerry and Honor who moor on the G&S are heading up this way so hopefully our paths will cross and we will meet up, we haven't seen them for a while so will be good to have a catch up.

Moored at Salt

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