Sunday 20 May 2018

Stone to Barlaston - Trent & Mersey Canal

Market at Newcastle Under Lyme
In Lock by Star pub
In Yard Lock

Friday we caught the bus to Newcastle under Lyme as there was a general market and a Farmer's market but it was all a bit of a disappointment as the town itself is quite run down, quite a lot of empty shops and the market was very small, the only consolation was that the lady that sells Scotch Eggs which we saw at the market in Stafford was there, the scotch eggs are really good and all different flavours, our favourite is Eastern Spice and we also bought Chilli and Lime.  Friday evening our friends from Audlem, Jane, Dave and Anthea came over for a meal and we went to a nice Italian restaurant called Pasta Di Piazzo.  Unfortunately Jane’s hubby Malcolm was working so couldn’t make it.  The food was really good and we had a lovely evening catching up and lots of laughs as always.  After our meal, they came back to the boat and we had Gin, Wine and Ginger Cake, Dave’s favourite, the ginger cake that is, not the Gin, that’s mine and Jane’s favourite!  Saturday, we did some shopping, watched the Royal Wedding and then went for a walk.
Cruising through Stone
I can see you!

Today, Sunday we are on the move at last, we have been in Stone for a week and it has been really good as it is such a nice place to moor, but it is time to go now.

Passing the Old Brewery
Coming to another lock
The sun was shining and it was already warm as we set off along the canal, we left early this morning, well early for us, 8.30am as we have 8 locks to do and it does get busy.

The first lock we came to was not far away and it is by the Star pub, when it is open there are many people sat outside watching you through the lock, but fortunately as the pub was shut, we went through with no onlookers!.

This Lock's Deep
Nice Canalside Cottages
Turnover Bridge
The next lock is very deep and I had to empty it first as there was a boat in front of us, but it didn’t take long and soon we were off along the canal and stopped at the services to fill up with water, get rid of rubbish, etc.  A couple of boats came down the lock as we were doing this and one went up, so unfortunately when it was our turn, we had to empty the lock first but that was fine and Kev brought the boat in and I filled the lock.  There was one more lock in this flight and we went up that one and then on along the canal.
Lovely Blossom by the Canal

Working up the locks
We passed a couple of boats but the canal seemed very quiet today.  We then came to the Meaford flight of locks, there are four in this flight as well and we worked our way through them.  There were a couple of boats coming down so that made life easier and then we were at the last lock for today.
We then went on for a mile or so and came to Barlaston.  We went past the Plume and Feathers pub which is now owned by Neil Morrissey, it looks really nice now as before it was very run down and not very inviting.

Our Barbie
We turned at the winding hole as this is as far as we are going on this canal and moored up.

Plume of Feathers
We did a few jobs around the boat then chilled out.  This evening we had a BBQ, although it wasn’t brilliant sunshine, it was still very warm, our second one of the year, let’s hope this nice weather stays and we can have many more!

We are staying here now for a couple of days.  The Wedgewood museum and factory is nearby and we are off there on Tuesday so looking forward to that and then we are heading back down to Great Haywood where we are going to meet up with John, Sharon and Smuggler so looking forward to seeing them.

Moored at Barlaston


  1. We're looking forward to meeting up at Great Haywood. See you soon!

  2. We are looking forward to seeing you three as well, not long now, Bon Voyage for Friday and see you next week.
