Tuesday 14 June 2016

Gailey to Penkridge (Staffordshire & Worcester Canal)

We had rain in the night but when we woke up it was dry which was good as we are moving on today.  When we set off, the sun was shining so we chugged on along the canal. 

Coming into Boggs Lock

Going down Otherton Lock by M6
We are only going a few miles but we have five locks to do.  Soon we came to the first lock for today and soon through there and onto the next one, Boggs Lock, then Rodbaston Lock.

Passing Cross Keys Pub
In Filance Lock
There were a few boats coming the other way, so that helped a lot.  Soon we were going through Otherton Lock which is right by the M6 motorway and then we were approaching the outskirts Penkridge and chugged past the Cross Keys pubs which is right on the canal.

Under a low bridge
We did one more lock and then moored in the visitor moorings before Penkridge Lock, we will save that one for another day!

The sun had been shining all morning and it was really warm but there was rain forecast for the afternoon so we took our rain coats with us when we went for a walk down the towpath to Midland Chandlers which was probably about a mile and a half away.
Wow, that looks black!

Sheltering from the rain
We had a look around the Chandlers but when we came out the sky had gone really black, so we decided to hot foot it back up the canal to one of the bridges, it then started raining hard so we sheltered for a bit, then made our made to the M6 Motorway Bridge and had to shelter there for a while and then we heard loud claps of thunder which seemed to echo in the bridge and sounded really scary!   I don't know sitting under the M6 with rain and thunder all around, Kev certainly knows how to treat a girl, he takes me to all the best places!!  It didn’t seem like the rain was going to stop so we hurried back along the towpath sheltering under the bridges along the way but the last stretch had no bridges and we got soaked!

Back in the boat we dried off and after a while the rain stopped and it was a dry evening.

We are having a day off tomorrow and staying here to look around the town, then chugging on again on Thursday.
Moored at Penkridge


  1. What fun! As you say, he certainly knows how to spoil you :-)
    Love the photo with the dramatic black sky. And the low bridge looks very tight …

  2. We sheltered under that bridge again today but in the boat this time as raining all morning and we got soaked, but all dry now and the sun came out when we moored up, typical!

  3. We once sheltered under an almost-motorway bridge on the Walsall canal, in the middle of a four-hour thunderstorm. We couldn't get to the edge of the canal to moor (too many bullrushes) and there was nowhere to tie up under the bridge, so I held the ropes while John made us cuppa-soup!
