Sunday 12 June 2016

Day Out Around Coven

The Rainbow Inn
Shops in Coven

We are staying put today and just as well as it was raining when we got up.  It rained on and off all morning but then brightened up so we went out for a walk to the village of Coven which is a short walk off the towpath up to the main road, cross over and into the village.  There are a few shops, a co-op, post office, chip shop to name a few and a pub, The Rainbow Inn.  We walked back to the boat and had lunch.

After lunch as it was still dry we decided to walk up to the Three Hammers Golf Complex which on Mr Google looked to be not far away and he was right we walked out onto the lane up to the bridge and there it was.  There is an eighteen hole golf course, a driving range and a bistro.  

3 Hammers Golf Complex
We went in and decided to have a go so we asked at the reception and the lad there said the club was open to anyone not just members but you needed your own equipment, but if we wanted to have a go on the driving range he could probably find us some clubs to use and he did.  He then said I assume you are both right handed and although I am, I play all sports with my left hand so he went and found me a left handed club.  He took us into the driving range and showed us how it worked as it is all electronic.

We were on a tee which was left and right handed and you tip the balls in and then they automatically pop up on the tee and you can alter the height of the tee and so off we went.
Me Teeing off!

Kev wacking ball!
I was rubbish at the start and couldn’t even hit the ball but got the hang of it and manged to hit the ball and some shots were quite good and others just rolled along the ground, Kev did okay although he hit the side of the tee a couple of times and some went really high we couldn’t see where they landed.  On the driving range there were flags by holes and you will never believe it but I actually hit a ball and it went in the hole quite by chance so Kev said “Oh I will try and do that”, but he didn’t get the ball in the hole he hit the flag instead! 
Driving Range
While we were there a chap came on the tee next to us and on his second shot, he swung at the ball so hard that not only did the ball go flying so did his golf club, I thought that was the sort of thing that I might do, but I managed to hold on to mine!

This was the first time I have ever done this and Kev has only ever done it once and that was a long time ago, but we really enjoyed it, it was great fun and if we find any other driving ranges near to where we are moored on our travels, we will certainly go and have another go.

We then went and had a coffee in the Bistro which looked very nice.  It was raining again when we came out so we walked back to the boat.  We are staying here again tonight then chugging on tomorrow so hope the sun shines.

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