Thursday 16 September 2021

Penkridge to Coven Heath - Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal


Wednesday 15th September

Yesterday we stayed put as the weather wasn’t too good.  This morning we are moving on but here in Penkridge they have a market on a Wednesday so we popped down to that before we left to get a few things.

When we got back from the market we untied and set off.  We have six locks to do today and hopefully they will be easier than the locks yesterday.

The first lock Filance lock was just under the bridge so I walked on to the lock.  There was a boat coming down and as he was a single hander, I did the lock for him.  He went out and then it was our turn.

Once through the lock we chugged on, past the Cross Keys pub and under a few bridges and then we were at the next lock, Otherton lock.  The lock was full so I emptied it first then Kev brought the boat in.

All the paddles were working on these locks so they didn’t take long to fill. We went on along the canal and the next lock we came to was Rodbaston lock.  This lock is right next to the M6 so quite noisy.


There was an electric boat in front of us, quite strange looking as instead of windows, it has solar panels, I just imagine that it’s very dark inside, wouldn’tbe for me as we like the light coming in but each to their own!

We went on and then came to the next lock, Boggs lock.  There were a few boats coming the other way so that always helps with the water and also with working the lock.

  The next lock just around the corner was Brick Kiln lock.  We worked up through this lock and then we had one more to do.

We chugged along the canal and to the last lock Bailey Top lock.  Next to the lock is an old toll-keepers watch tower which is now a house.  A boat was just coming out of the lock so once he was out, Kev came in.  I had help shutting the gates as another boat was waiting to come down. 

We filled the lock and the boat came up, once the lock was full, we opened the gate and Kev brought the boat out.  We stopped at the services for water then when the tank was full, we went on.

We went past the chemical works where there are signs saying no stopping if you hear an alarm, why anyone would want to stop is beyond me!

We went on along the canal, this section is really winky wonky and therefore it is slow going.  We went past Hatherton marina and the entrance to the old Hatherton Branch which used to connect with the Birmingham canal navigations but is now used for moorings and on along the canal.


We went under a few more bridges and then went past The Anchor pub at Cross Green.  We sometimes moor near there but today we decided to go on a bit further and moor at Coven Heath, a spot we haven’t moored in before.


We had a long day today, well for us it was as we did 6 locks and 9 miles, no wonder we were tired when we stopped, what were we thinking, I think the sun must have gone to our heads!!  Mind you we are probably doing about the same mileage tomorrow but only one lock.  The reason behind this is we need to get to Market Drayton for next Friday and also this Friday Harry is coming to stay for a couple of nights and Jane and Malcolm are meeting us at Wheaton Aston so they don’t have to travel to far to bring him from Audlem so we had to do a few miles to get there on time but it’s fine and it was a lovely day for chugging today and hopefully will be the same tomorrow.

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