Saturday 18 September 2021

Coven Heath - Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal to Wheaton Aston - Shropshire Union Canal


Thursday 16th September

We have another 10 miles to do today, but just one small lock so we set off just after 8.30am, early for us and we were glad to see it was dry and the sun was shining.

 We went under the M54 and a few more bridges and then came to a very narrow cutting in rock known as Pendeford Rockin after a local farm, in places it is only wide enough for one boat, but we were lucky today and didn’t meet anyone coming the other way.

We went on and then we were approaching Autherley junction where the Staffordshire & Worcestershire canal meets the Shropshire Union canal known as the Shroppie) and we turned right to go up the Shroppie.


There is a stop lock here which is only a few inches deep.  I opened the gate and Kev came in.  Right by the lock is an old toll keepers cottage.
We left the gate open as a boat was waiting to come in and in we went.


We went under a bridge and just past there was lots of geese in the canal. When we went by them they were all scrabbling to get up onto the side.


We then went past Wolverhampton Boat Club where there are lots of moored boats and on we went under a few more bridges and then we came to my favourite bridge, Avenue bridge which is a lovely balustraded bridge.  We went under there and then was approaching Brewood.


As you come into Brewood there are lovely views of the church. We went under one more bridge then moored up in the visitor moorings.

The moorings were full this side of the bridge so we went under the bridge and moored up there.


We went up to the village to the bakery and Coop to get a few things then back to the boat.  We had lunch then set off again.

We went past the caravan park and then over Stretton aqueduct which take you over the A5 and on along the canal going under a few more bridges and then we came to Wheaton Aston lock.

There was a boat just going down and no-one waiting to come up so once they had gone out, we filled the lock ready for us.  We opened the gate and Kev brought the boat in.  There was still no-one wanting to come up so I shut the gates and Kev went on to find a mooring as we are stopping here.

We are staying here tonight as tomorrow little Harry is coming to stay for a couple of nights.  Jane and Malcolm are bringing him in the morning and we are all going to have lunch in the pub here so looking forward to that, then on Saturday we will chug on to Gnosall which is a few miles further along the canal.

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