Saturday 28 September 2019

Calveley to Hurleston Junction - Shropshire Union Canal

Thursday 26th to Saturday 28th September

Bunbury Locks
A Bit Dark Today
Coming to a Bridge
Thursday and Friday – We went out for a few walks in between the showers.  We walked down to the Bunbury staircase locks and watched a few boats go through.  There was a man on a boat there and he brought his dog to see us, it was an Alaskan Malamute and it was enormous and it scared the living daylights out of Harry!  The dogs fur was so soft and he was really placid but I think we will stick to Harry.

Passing Calveley Mill Cafe
Bridge on the Bend

Saturday – Today we are moving on and although the forecast wasn’t too good, it was dry when we got up, so we set off along the canal to the water point.  We filled the tanks and got rid of rubbish then went on our way.

Barbridge Junction
Going Through Barbridge
We passed the Calveley Mill café and went under a few bridges.  We then came to Barbridge Junction and went past the Middlewich Arm and on along the canal.  We then had a heavy rain shower and we were going to pull in, but it only lasted about 5 minutes and then the sun came out, so we went on.

Harry Coming Back from his Walk
We went under a couple more bridges and then we were approaching Hurleston Reservoir and Junction where we moored up.
At Hurleston Junction

Did you say it was Teatime!!
We had lunch then went for a walk up the locks at the start of the Llangollen canal and walked off the canal and up the lane to get some eggs.  When we were walking back, we had another rain shower so we sheltered for a few minutes in a building at the top of the locks.  It didn’t last long and then the sun came out again so we walked back to the boat.

We are staying here tonight and tomorrow then off to Nantwich on Monday.

Moored at Hurleston Junction

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Barbridge to Calveley - Shropshire Union Canal

Off We Go

Wednesday 25th September

It was a dry day when we got up, Kev and Harry went out for a walk, when they came back we had breakfast then set off along the canal.

Harry in Charge
We are only going a couple of miles today after our mammoth voyage Monday!
Harry enjoying travelling along

I can see you!
We chugged along and Harry took his usual place at the back with his pal Kev.  We went under a few bridges and then came to Calveley where we passed Calveley Mill Café, we needed to stop at the services.  There was two boats there but as we got there one pulled out which was good timing and we went in.

We filled up with water, got rid of rubbish etc., and then moved on.

Lots of plants along here
We chugged on under a bridge and went up to the winding hole, turned around and back down the canal to the moorings where we tied up.
Under a Bridge

Passing Calveley Mill
We had lunch then went out for a walk down to the cafe.  It was a sunny afternoon and so we sat outside and had coffee.  There is a nice shop in the cafe so we had a look around there and got some milk, farmhouse butter and Calveley Crunch cheese.  We then walked back to the boat.

A while after we got back, it clouded over and we had some rain.  We are now staying here for a couple of days as the forecast is not too good but hopefully when we are ready to move on, the sun will be shining again.

Moored at Calveley

Bridge 80 to Barbridge - Shropshire Union Canal

Monday 23rdand Tuesday 24th September

We are on the move today (Monday) after mooring here for a week and it was dry as we set off along the canal.  We are going 8 miles and have two locks to do, wow that is a lot for us in one day, but rain is forecast for tomorrow and we don’t want to get wet so chose the lesser of the two evils!!

Lots of Bridges Today
Hack Green Locks
We chugged on and soon were approaching Hack Green locks.  Unfortunately a boat had gone down in front of us so we had to fill the lock first and then in we went and down the lock and onto the next one.  That one was empty as well so we filled it up and down we went.

Lockie Today!
Lots of Geese Today
There was a boat waiting to come up so we left the gates open for them and went on our way.  After a couple of miles we were at Nantwich, over the aqueduct we went and past all the moored boats.  We were going to stop at the services but it was full so we went on.

We went on under a few bridges and then came to Barbridge where we moored up.

Nantwich Aqueduct
We are staying here tonight and also tomorrow as Harry the Jack Russell is coming to stay for two weeks while Jane and Malcolm go on holiday.  We are looking forward to him staying as he is a fun little chap and no trouble and Kev is looking forward to all the walks.

Coming to Hurleston Junction
Tuesday – It rained most of the day so we didn’t venture out, we did a few jobs around the boat and got things ready for Harry coming to stay.  The rain did stop late afternoon and the sun eventually came out.

The Barbridge Inn
Early evening, we went over to the Barbridge Inn to meet Jane, Malcolm and Harry and we all had tea in the pub.  Kev and I had the Pies and really good they were, proper pies with short crust pastry base and puff pastry lid and packed out with meat.  We all enjoyed our food then we went back to the boat for a drink before Jane and Malcolm headed off.  Kev took Harry for a walk to take his mind off them leaving him.  He looked for Jane and Malcolm for a bit then settled down in my chair and cuddled up, he has been here before so I am sure he will settle in and have a good holiday with us.
We are staying here tonight then off to Calveley in the morning.

A Nice View Through the Bridge

Week with Rosslyn, Michael and Griffin - Shropshire Union Canal

Saturday 14th to Sunday 22nd September

Kev's cousin Rosslyn, Michael and Griffin the dog are staying in the caravan park at Overwater Marina for a week so Saturday morning we went over to where they were camped.  It was great to see them as it’s been a while.  
Drinks at the Shroppie Fly

Rosslyn, Michael & Griffin
We all headed off for a walk down to Audlem along the towpath which was great for Griffin.  He is a lovely dog but very nervous of people so barked at us abit and wouldn’t come very near but hopefully as the week goes on, he will get used to us and we can get close to him.  We had a wander around Audlem, had a look in the church and stopped at one of the cafes.  On the walk back we stopped at the Shroppie Fly pub for refreshments.

Drgaonflys on the boat
Sunday – We are leaving the marina today but first we had breakfast in the marina café with our Audlem family, Jane, Malcolm, Sheila and Tony and Rosslyn and Michael joined us as well, it was a lovely breakfast as always. It was then time for us to leave the marina so we chugged out onto the canal and moored up by Bridge 80 not far from the marina.  In the afternoon Rosslyn, Michael and Griffin came over for tea and cake.

Geese on the canal
Tea Time!
Beautiful Griffin
Monday – We are off for a chug today to Nantwich so when Rosslyn, Michael and Griffin arrived we set off along the canal, it was a nice dry day and quite warm.  We soon came to Hack Green locks and waited for our turn to go through.  There are two locks here but they aren’t very deep so we were soon through and on our way.  We got to the winding hole, turned around and moored up.

By Chester Castle
We then walked into the town along a footpath and along by the river, it’s a nice walk and Griffin could run around.  We had a look around the town and went in the lovely church.  We also went to the Library (Nantwich Book Shop) for lunch. We then headed back to the boat and chugged back to Bridge 80 where we moored up.  I had made Lasagna so we all had that for tea.

Me and Ross
Me, Cara and Rob
Tuesday – We had a car trip to Chester as Rosslyn and Michael haven’t been there before.  We parked at the park and ride at Christleton and got the bus in, it was really easy and much less hassle as there is not a lot of parking in Chester.  We walked around the walls down to the river and got off there and had a coffee sat by the river as it was a lovely sunny warm day. 

Tea Outside
We then carried on around the walls past Chester Castle and the race course and then came to the Basin.  
Me photo bombing the photo!
Chester Clock

I got in this one as well!
We carried on and was just about to go down the steps off the walls when coming up was Cara and Rob who we know from the G&S canal and haven’t seen for a few years.  We had a lovely catchup and then we went on our way.  It was so lovely to see them after all this time and the funny thing is Cara is our friend Sheila from Audlem niece, we only found that out last year it’s a small world!

 We had a wander around the town and Rosslyn and Michael visited the Cathedral.  We stayed outside with Griffin as we have been inside many times.  We then headed back to the park and ride and drove back to the marina.  Rosslyn cooked us all tea and as it was such a nice evening, we sat outside to eat it, not bad for the middle of September!

Our New Captain!
Wednesday – We are off in another boat trip today so when they turned up, we set off.  We had to go through Hack Green locks again and past Nantwich and we moored up at Hurleston Junction.  I had made Quiche on the journey so we had that for lunch with new potatoes and salad. 
Kev & Ross

At Snugburys
After lunch we went for a walk up the start of the Llangollen canal to the first bridge and up onto the road and along there for a short time to Snugburys ice cream farm.  It was quite busy as it was a lovely sunny afternoon but not manic like the last time we were here on August bank holiday Monday!

With the Snugbury Bee
We all had two scoops and sat on a bench to eat them.  We then walked down the field to see the Snugbury Bee.  Rosslyn and Michael loved the ice cream as much as we do, it’s so creamy and tasty.

Hack Green Locks
We walked back to the boat stopping off at the farm near the canal to get some free range eggs.  We then set off back along the canal, past Nantwich, through Hack Green locks and moored back at Bridge 80.  I made some sandwiches tea and then Rosslyn, Michael and Griffin went back to the caravan park before it got too dark.
Griffin and Michael

Lovely Ice Creams
Thursday – It was another lovely sunny warm day so we all decided to go for a car trip to Ellesmere where there is a mere or lake that you can walk around.  It didn’t take too long to get there and we parked up and set off around the lake.

We walked as far as you could then turned around and walked back to the cafe.  It was lunch time so we had a coffee and a bite to eat.
The Mere at Ellesmere

Griffin at the Griffin Inn
We then crossed the road and walked up through the wood to the Motte and Bailey. We followed the path over the top and took us down to the road and into the small town.  We had a look around and then walked down to the canal where there is a Tesco so we got a few provisioned then walked along the canal following the sculpture trail which took us back to where the car was parked. We then drove onto Oswestry where we had a walk around the town before driving back to the marina and as it was another sunny evening, we sat outside and had tea which Rosslyn cooked for us. 

We then played the card game crib, Michael gave us a refresher course as we hadn’t played it for a long time and me and Kev beat him, but when we all played together, he won, I think he led us into a false sense of security!!  It started getting dark so we walked back to the boat.  It was a fun evening and a lovely day.

Griffin enjoying the mere
Friday – To day we are off out with Sheila and Tony.  They picked us up from the marina and we went for a nice drive around the country lanes and ended up at Newton’s Fish & Chips, a road side transport café which was really nice inside and spotlessly clean and the fish & chips were excellent.

Lovely Fish & Chips
On our drive back, they showed us places where they used to live and work.  We went to their house in Audlem and had tea and cake then a couple of glasses of gin.  We had a lovely time and lots of laughs.  Tony dropped us back at the marina late afternoon.  It is always great to see them and spend time together and I am sure we will see them again soon.

 Saturday – We are off out with Rosslyn, Michael and Griffin again today. It was another lovely sunny day so we decided to take a drive to Norbury Junction as its not too far away.  When we got there, it was busy but we found a space in the Junction Inn car park and a table outside the pub overlooking the canal so we sat there and had some lunch.

After lunch we went for a walk along the canal and down onto the road and back along to the pub.  We then went to the cafe which is opposite the pub and had a coffee sat in the sun.  It’s a lovely spot to just sit and watch the world go by.   We headed back to the marina and as I had made cauliflower cheese for tea, Kev and I headed back to the boat to put it in the oven and Rosslyn, Michael and Griffin came over when they had parked up.

At Norbury Junction
After tea we played a few rounds of crib and Michael won again and I was last!  But I didn’t mind, it was a lot of fun.  They headed back before it was too dark.

Lunch at Norbury
Sunday – This is our last day with Rosslyn, Michael and Griffin as they are off up to Lancashire tomorrow to visit Rosslyn's sister Sharon and I am pleased to say although it has taken most of the week Griffin has got used to us and now we can cuddle and smooth him, he is a beautiful dog and it’s great go be able to touch him without him backing away and barking.

Griffin waiting for a treat
We decided to drive to Nantwich so we did and then had a wander around the town and stopped off at the Library for lunch.   The weather wasn’t so good today we had a bit of rain but nothing too much.  We then decided to drive to Bridgmere Garden Centre which is near Nantwich.

The car parks were packed when we got there but we found a space and all headed in, dogs are allowed so Griffin came as well.  It is huge with a farm shop and retail units like Cottontraders, Pavers, Lakeland to name a few and a café and two restaurants.  We had a good wander around although you need hours to see it all properly and we had less than two before they closed as on Sundays they close early, but it was great to go there, we enjoyed looking around.

We then drove back to the marina.  We had a cup of tea with Rosslyn and Michael and then it was time to say our goodbyes.  We have had a fantastic week with them going out and about and showing them this area and places that we like and all spending time together, it has been a lot of fun and laughs and so good to see them again and meet Griffin and make friends with him and hopefully they will come and visit us again in the not too distant future.  We walked back to the boat and just chilled out for the rest of the evening.

Moored in Overwater Marina