Thursday 25 April 2019

Bridge 47 to Goldstone - Shropshire Union Canal

It was dry when we got up and rain wasn't forecast until late morning so we decided to move on a few miles to Goldstone.
Are You Looking at Me!!

Before we left I looked out the window and right outside on the towpath was a squirrel and there was a sweet corn kernel on the towpath, not sure where it came from, maybe he brought it with him as he was taking pieces off and burying them in the grass.  He stood up on his hind legs just staring at us like he was saying “you looking at me!”, it was quite funny.

Coming to another Bridge
We set off along the canal, under a few bridges and past some moored boats.  We passed a few boats coming the other way but the canal has gone quiet after being busy over the Easter holidays.

Boat coming the other way
Bluebells on the side of the canal
After a few miles, we were approaching Goldstone and moored up in the visitor moorings opposite The Wharf Tavern.  We had a few heavy showers during the morning.

Calm Morning but no sun today
We decided to go and have lunch in the pub so when the sun came out, we went over.  This is a great place and the food and service is always good and today was no exception, we had a lovely meal. 

Our Lunch
While we were eating, the sky went black and it started thundering and really heavy rain, the showers didn't last for too long but there were several while we were eating.

The Wharf Tavern
We waited for a gap in the showers and we headed back to the boat.  We then just chilled out for the rest of the afternoon.  In the evening, I made a Bara brith.

We are staying here for a couple of days and tomorrow we are meeting our friend’s Sheila and Tony for lunch at the pub, they live in Audlem which is not far away and they will be bringing their lovely dog Brock so we are looking forward to seeing them.

Then at the weekend, we will move on.

Moored at Goldstone

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