Monday 23 October 2017

Market Drayton to Tyrley Wharf (Shropshire Union Canal)

We had a nice weekend in Market Drayton just chilling out and having a walk around the shops but today we are moving on.

And off we go
Coming to Tyrley Locks
Coming into Tyrley Bottom Lock
Passing a Boat in the locks
We left our mooring and headed under the bridge leaving Market Drayton behind us.  There are quite a few boats still around and most of them are hire boats but I suppose that is because it is half term.  We headed along a very wooded bit with lots of leaves in the water and on the towpath and after about a mile, we came to Tyrley locks which is a set of five.

Coming into Tyrley Top Lock
The first one was set for us, so I went up and opened the gates and Kev brought the boat in, these locks have quite fierce by washes so Kev gave it a bit of welly and came into the lock okay.
And on up the locks we go
We worked our way up the locks, they are in a lovely setting and there were a few boats coming down so that made our life easy.

We got to the top lock and there were three boats waiting to come down, they all seem to be going the opposite way to us today.  At the top of the locks is Tyrley Wharf and we moored in the visitor moorings there.

Tyrley Top Lock and Wharf
Sign on House at Tyrley Wharf
We had our lunch then went out for a walk as there are a few caches on the locks so we walked down and managed to find all three. One of them was actually in the lock beam and there was a boat coming through, so we helped in open the gates and I quickly found it, signed the log and replaced it while Kev kept the man talking.

Church in the Woods
Cute Little Boat
We then walked back up the locks and out onto the lane as there was a cache up there by the very small church in the woods which is apparently only used on the fourth Sunday of the month, it looked a bit run down so not sure it is used at all now. 

Heron under the Bridge
The cache was in a wood by the church and apparently the new owner doesn’t want people on his property so he has put up barbed wire and private property notices, there is a public footpath going through his property but doesn’t go the way of the cache so we didn’t want to risk being shouted at or even shot, so we gave that one a miss and walked up to the main road where there is a pub, but unfortunately we didn’t take any money with us, so we will save that one for another day.

We walked back to the boat and did another cache the other way along the towpath but couldn’t find that one.  There is a cute little narrowboat in the long term moorings, compact and bijou!

We are staying here tonight then off again in the morning unless the forecast is correct with the heavy rain and then we shall stay put and move on Wednesday, we shall see! 

Moored at Tyrley Wharf

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