Saturday 28 October 2017

High Offley to Norbury Junction (Shropshire Union Canal)

I couldn't post yesterday as we had no signal, one of the few places we have moored, so here is yesterday's post.

Friday 27th October

Very  Foggy this Morning
The Anchor |Pub
Going through Grub Street Cutting
Off we go into the Fog
We are on the move today but when we woke up, it was really foggy so we decided to wait until it had burned away a bit until we moved on.  I went outside to take a picture of the foggy canal and I saw what I thought was fog coming out of the hedge, then I saw some small flames so I shouted to Kev and we went out and the hedge just along us was on fire, some idiot had come along and put hot ashes all along the hedge, Kev put it  out with water from the canal but some of the bushes were burnt, we couldn’t really understand who did this as we were the only boat moored there, there was a boat under the bridge but it seemed too much ash for one fire from a boat, it looked like a wheel barrow full at least, there is a house on the other side and Kev asked them if they had seen anything, but the gardener said she heard crackling but thought it was in the farmer’s field.  

Sun Peeking Through
High Bridge
We saw the lady from that house in the field walking here dogs before we noticed the fire, and you would have thought she would have seen it, but if she did, she didn’t do anything about it,  it was all a bit of a mystery and to think they did it while we were moored there, really irresponsible.  We did report it to Canal & River Trust so it would be on record.

The fog lifted a bit so we set off on our way past the Anchor pub which is an old pub, more like a house, really quite quaint, we only have a couple of miles to do today to get to Norbury Junction.

We chugged through Grub Street Cutting and under High Bridge, which has a masonry strut carrying a short telegraph pole built across its tall arch.
The Junction Inn

Cafe at Norbury Junction
We went on and soon came to Norbury Junction where we moored up.  There is a nice pub on the Junction so we went there for lunch and sat outside in the sun as it turned out to be a glorious sunny day once the fog went.  We then had a walk along the towpath and then had a coffee in the cafĂ© which is opposite the pub.

We are staying here tonight, then off tomorrow to Gnosall which is a couple of miles away.

Moored at Norbury Junction

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