Wednesday 18 October 2017

Audlem (by Shroppie Fly) to Cox Bank (Between Locks 3 and 2)

Leaving our Mooring
We are on the move today after a week in Audlem, although we are going up 11 locks, we will still be in Audlem for one more night.  There are fifteen locks in the Audlem flight but we did two on Sunday and are going to moor before the last two.

In Lock by Shroppie Fly Pub
Here He Comes
It was dry as we set off, but very overcast, no sun today.  We went through the lock by the Shroppie Fly pub which was set in our favour and I left Kev to shut the gate and walked onto the next one.  

This one was empty as well so I opened the gates and as I was waiting for Kev to bring the boat in, a Volunteer lock keeper appeared so that was handy and he helped us through the next few locks.

Coming into the Lock
One Out, One In
There was a few boats coming down, so the volunteer left us to help them and on up we went. It was really good as with these boats coming down, it meant that all the locks were in our favour and only after an hour and a half we were at our last lock for the day and a CRT work boat was coming down so one of the chaps on that boat helped me with the lock, so we had a really easy passage today.

Working up the Flight
Kingfisher with his Lunch!
We moored in the visitor moorings between the lock we had just come through and the next one.

Sitting on the Mooring Bollard
We had lunch then went for a walk along the canal up the last two locks.  As we got to one of the locks a Kingfisher was sitting on the fence and he dived down in the water and got a fish.  When he saw us, he flew on and then sat on the mooring bollard at the last lock.  I did try to take a couple of pictures but as soon as we got close enough, he flew off, but it was great to see him as usually you only see a flash of blue as they whizz along the canal.

There is a stall at the top lock which sells home-made cake, so we bought some Bakewell Tart for our afternoon tea and then walked back to the boat.

It was quite chilly today, so we lit the fire and made it all cosy.  We are staying here tonight then moving on tomorrow.

Moored at Cox Bank (Between Locks 3 & 2)

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