Wednesday 13 September 2017

Thelwall to Lymm (Bridgewater Canal)

M6 Motorway Bridge
Cobbled Alleyway from Canal
We are moving on a couple of miles this morning to Lymm.  It was very overcast and spitting with rain as we set off but Kev kept the cover up so he didn’t get too wet.  We chugged under the M6 and on along the canal and soon we were at Lymm.  We managed to get a space as this is a very popular mooring place.

Lymm Cross & Stocks
We got tied up and went in and just as well as then the heavens opened and it poured down.  It was still raining as we went up into the town via a nice little cobbled alleyway which leads from the canal into the village.

We had a walk around and went into the Butchers, it has a very good reputation and all the meat looked really nice so we bought a few things and then walked down the street to the Bakers. 

There is a Cross in the centre of Lymm which stands on ancient steps carved from sandstone and dates from early to mid-17th century and was restored in 1897.  At the foot of the Cross is a set of replica stocks which replaced the original ones dating back to 1775. These would have been used as a means of rudimentary justice in by-gone days.
Lymm Dam Info Board

Lymm Dam

Info Board for Sandstone Rock
It was raining quite heavily so we went back in the Bakers which was also a coffee shop and had a drink and a toastie and then took our shopping back to the boat.

Sandstone Rocks by the Dam
Cormarants at the Dam
Church at Lymm
We then walked through the village to Lymm Dam.  It was built in 1824 when a turnpike road was created from Warrington to Stockport.  After its completion, a pool and stream below the church became the lake which is now called Lymm Dam.  It is a really nice walk around although today it was a bit soggy under foot and we did a couple of caches along the way.

Matthews Corbetts House
There is some Sandstone Rock by the dam which is really interesting and the path goes by it, we then walked onto the Church but unfortunately it wasn’t open.

Lymm Village Pond
We then walked back to the village and we managed to do the whole walk in the dry and we even had a bit of sun!
 There is a house by the canal and we have been told that Matthew Corbett of Sooty fame lives there, but there was no Sooty or Sweep waving at us from the window today!

We are staying here tonight then chugging on tomorrow.

Moored at Lymm

1 comment:

  1. I've tried the church in Lymm twice, and found it locked both times. John said I'd probably have to go to a Sunday service to find it open, but I can't quite go that far!
