Friday 8 September 2017

Acton to Barnton Cut (River Weaver)

Wednesday 6th September

Back under Acton Swing Bridge
Yesterday (Tuesday) we stayed put as it rained on and off for most of the morning and into the afternoon, so we walked up to the Riverside Inn, which was not too far away and had lunch there, it is a two for one pub, so cheap and cheerful but the food and service was really good.
Today we are on the move just a few miles back to Barnton Cut.

Heading back to Barnton Cut
We set off along the canal and although it was dry, it was quite windy and the river was not very calm today, a few waves.

Not so calm today
Saltersford Locks
After a while, we came to Saltersford Locks and in we went. There was another boat behind us, so they came in as well. We have to pass our ropes up to the lock keeper who puts them around a bollard and drops them back down again and we hold on to them as we go up, it keeps us into the side.

In the Lock
We were soon at the top and the gates opened and out we went.  We chugged on around the corner and moored up at Barnton Cut Visitor moorings.

Out we go
We had lunch then went for a walk up into Barnton, but took another footpath this time from the canal which took us into Barnton a different way.  We went to the co-op for a few things and was going to get some more sausages from the Butchers as we had the others for tea and they were simply delicious, but unfortunately he was closed.  Around here, a lot of the butchers seem to close on a Wednesday afternoon.  Never mind, we will be coming back near Barnton when we are on the Trent & Mersey so will get some sausages then.

We walked back to the boat and just chilled out. We are staying here tonight then heading back down to Northwich tomorrow.

Moored at Barnton Cut

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