Thursday 14 September 2017

Lymm to Watch House CC, Stretford (Bridgewater Canal)

We are moving on today but first we went into Lymm and got a bit of shopping and also there was a very small market with two stalls and a fish van so had a quick look there.

Matthew Corbett's House
Service Stop at Lloyd Bridge
We got back to the boat and chugged off past the lovely house by the bridge which reportedly belongs to Matthew Corbett and on along the canal.

Passing our Boat's Home
We stopped at Lloyd Bridge where there is a small shed selling gas, eggs which he had just collected this morning, jam and vegetables.  The chap there was very friendly and went and picked us some beans, two big tomatoes and a pepper.  They also sell coal so we bought a bag as with the evenings getting chilly, it won’t be long before we light the fire.  There is also a laundrette and a shower there as well as an elsan point so a very good place to stop.

Linotype Factory
We chugged on and then we were passing Lymm Marina, this is where our boat was built back in 2008 and where we picked it up from.  It was funny being back here after all that time and now our boat has never gone any more North than that yard, so now our journey is new for all three of us!

Waxi Taxi!
The Sale Strait!
We went on along the canal and passed the Victorian Linotype Factory, dated 1897, where metal printing type was manufactured.  
Cranes along the Canal
Heron on the Towpath
Along the canal are cranes which have been placed at strategic intervals so that, in the event of a breach, stop-planks can be quickly put into position and breaches do happen - most famously at Dunham Massey in 1971, closing the canal for two years.

We passed a little yellow boat while we were going along, it was called a Waxi Taxi and goes from Manchester to Sale.

Going under the M60
Friendly Fisherman!
We went on for a few miles passing Altrinham and Sale where the canal is dead straight and under the M60 and moored up by Watch House Cruising Club.

We went for a walk along the canal and up into Stretford where there is a shopping centre which is a bit run down. We had a look around there, then headed back to the boat.

It has been a drier day today thank goodness but we have still had a few heavy showers.

We are staying here tonight then off again in the morning.

Moored at Watch House Cruising Club, Stretford

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realise that beautiful house was where Matthew Corbett lived. A chap came out and checked the ripeness of the figs when we were moored opposite —perhaps that was him!
