Saturday 30 September 2017

Cholmondeston (Middlewich Branch of Shropshire Union Canal) to Calveley (Shropshire Union Canal)

Coming into Cholmondeston Lock
Nearly Up
Harry Keeping Guard!
Yesterday  (Friday), we decided to move as we wanted to stop at Venetian Marina which is just before the lock to get diesel and water.  We were going to do it Saturday morning but they said they have some hire boats coming back and it might be a bit chaotic so we thought if we did it Friday it would be nice and peaceful so we set off along the canal to the marina and sure enough it was all quiet and we got our diesel and water no problem.  Harry and I then walked up to the lock and a boat came out and Kev came in.  We were soon through the lock and moored in the visitor moorings beyond the lock.

Coming to Barbridge Junction
Back on the main Shropshire Union Canal
Today, we are moving on to Calveley.  It had been raining but it was dry when we set off and actually stayed dry until we moored up.

We chugged under some bridges and along past several moored boats and then came to Barbridge Junction where we turned right back onto the main Shropshire Union Canal.
It's Nice Back Here!

Harry sat out the back with Kev again, he likes it out there.  We went on for a couple of miles and moored in the visitor moorings at Calveley.

Harry & I at Calveley Cheese Shop & Cafe
We watched the Qualifying of the GP and then decided to go for a walk down to Calveley Cheese Shop and Café as the rain had eased off.  We walked down the towpath and Kev went in the shop as unfortunately they don’t allow dogs so Harry and I waited outside.  I still have Monty’s coat so as its raining, Harry wore it, he didn’t seem to mind it at all and at least it kept his back dry.

We were going to get some Calveley Crunch Cheese but they didn’t have any, so Kev ordered some for Monday.  We walked back to the boat and I went in but Kev and Harry went for another walk the other way along the towpath.

A short time after they got back, it started to rain again, I think it is in for the day now.  We are staying here tonight and also tomorrow.

Moored at Calveley

Thursday 28 September 2017

Church Minshull (Opposite Marina) to Cholmondeston (Middlewich Branch of Shropshire Union Canal)

It was a beautiful sunny day when we got up and warm as well, a bit of a change from yesterday evening when it rained and rained, no two days are ever the same!

Passing the Marin a
We have Minshull lock to go through this morning and as it wasn’t very far from where we were moored, Harry and I walked to the lock.  Kev came along in the boat past Aqueduct Marina and under the bridge and then we was at the lock.

Coming under the Bridge
A boat had come out of the lock and he kindly left the gates open for us.  When he passed he said he had seen an otter by the lock, it was on the lock side then gone into the gardens by the lock.  I had a good look for it when I got there but we weren’t lucky enough to see it.
In Minshull Lock

Ah that's where Kev is
Kev came into the lock and I shut the gates and then opened the paddles and filled up the lock.  We then went on our way and Harry sat at the back with Kev again, he likes it out there.

We moored up at Cholmondeston just before the marina and the lock in a nice open spot.

We had lunch then went out for a walk up to the lock and along the towpath for a bit then walked back to the marina where they have a café and we sat out there in the sun having a coffee.

Marina and Cafe
Boat stuck in the lock
Two boats came up to the lock and one of them was a butty, basically it doesn’t have an engine and is pulled by the other boat.  The one with the engine went in the lock and up it went.  Then it was the turn of the butty so the chap pulled it in and it was going in okay and then it came to a grinding halt.  At first we thought it had just stopped and they would need to pull it in a bit more but then realised something was up so we walked up onto the bridge and looked over and the boat was stuck, it looked too wide to go through.

Half in, Half Out!
Pulling it in with other boat
There was some CRT volunteers there but they went home and left him to it as the chap seemed to have it all in hand.  We went up to the lock and the chap whose boat it was said that the lock tapered at the gates so if he could get it past there it would go in, so he tied a rope on the front and used his other boat to pull it and at the same time he opened one of the paddles to let water in and jerk it into the lock. 

He tried several times and it didn’t seem to work at first, but then slowly it came in and eventually he got it in the lock and the boat came up and they went on their way.  A queue of several boats had built up so they then started filtering through the lock.

We walked back to the boat.  We are staying here tonight and also tomorrow as the forecast is not good, then we will be chugging on our way on Saturday.

Moored at Cholmondeston

Bridge 26 to Church Minshall (opposite Marina) (Middlewich Branch of Shropshire Union Canal)

Wednesday 27th September

West Coast Mainline Railway Bridge
It was a bit overcast and rather windy as we set off from our mooring.  Harry sat out the back up on the seat next to Kev and helped steer and checked the way was clear.  There was some swans on the opposite bank and Harry was brave enough to bark at them, mind you if they were on the towpath it would have been a different story!  He also growled at some fishermen as well, not sure why, it was quite funny!
Going under Railway Bridge

We came to the West Coast Mainline Railway Bridge and I was hoping for a train to go over but guess what it went over when we were going under the bridge, not sure who jumped the most us or Harry!

It's all Clear Kev!
Lovely View of Church Minshall
We chugged on for a few miles and moored up near Church Minshall on the visitor moorings. These moorings are really nice as you can look down over Church Minshall, but there is a shelf underneath the water and you either scrape on it or bang against it.  We put big fenders down and hoped they would do the trick. 
Harry Collecting Sticks

Go Harry Go!
We had lunch then went out for a walk down towards Aqueduct Marina.   Harry was busy collecting sticks and running with them.  We walked back to the boat and saw that our fenders had moved again so we decided to move.

Harry and I having a sit down
We untied and moved on down the canal a couple of miles to the visitor moorings opposite the marina.  These are really nice and there is metal piling there so no shelf and there is also benches and BBQs.  There are quite a few moorings like these on the Middlewich Branch and the Shropshire Union Canal and they have been done by the Shropshire Union Canal Society.

We moored up and then it started to rain and it rained all afternoon and most of the evening.  Lucky we had our walk earlier!

We are staying here tonight then moving on in the morning so let’s hope the sun is shining!

Moored at Church Minshall

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Middlewich (Trent & Mersey Canal) to Bridge 26 (Middlewich Branch of Shropshire Union Canal)

We are moving on today and it is Harry’s first full day with us, he was really good in the night and we didn’t hear a peep out of him.

Harry and his pal
Coming into the first lock
The sun was shining as we left our mooring and it is really warm at the moment.  We chugged around the corner and stopped at the water point to fill up.

Up we go
My Little Helper!
We have a few locks to do today and the first three are close together and not far from the water point so Harry and I walked up to the lock. There were volunteers on today so that makes life easy.  There was a boat in front of us so they went through then we emptied the lock and it was our turn.

In Lock No. 3
Turning onto the Middlewich Branch
In Wardle Lock
I tied Harry to the lock beam and he was very good, just whimpered a bit but then it is only to be expected as this is all new to him.  Kev brought the boat into the lock and we filled it and soon we were up and going onto the next one, there was a volunteer on that lock as well so he got it ready for us and it didn’t take long to get through that one and then there was one more to go and a volunteer on that one as well so we had an easy passage through.
What a Handsome Boy!

We then chugged on and turned right leaving the Trent & Mersey canal behind us and went onto the Middlewich Branch of the Shropshire Union Canal and into Wardle lock.

A boat came behind us and the chap came up and helped me so that was good.  We then chugged on under a few bridges and then came to Stanthorne lock.  A boat had just gone in and there was another waiting so we moored up and me and Harry went up to the lock.

Me and my Pal
Harry helping to steer!
The boat in front of us was a hire boat and they said we could go in first, well the chap did but the two ladies wanted to get on, they said that the boat that went in ahead of them had jumped the queue, it was all a bit confusing, but I told them to go first as we weren’t in a hurry and they were all on the lock and going to help us so they might as well get their own boat through.  There was a couple waiting to come down, so eventually it was our turn.

The chap who was behind us caught us up so he helped me with the lock and soon we were on our way again.

We went around the corner and moored up in the visitor moorings just after Bridge 26.  It is a nice open sunny spot.

We chilled out for a bit and then we went for a walk along the towpath.  It has been a really warm sunny day.  Harry seems to be settling in fine and after we came back from our walk, he crashed out in my chair, all the dogs we look after seem to do that and I get relegated to their basket!  Never mind we are glad he is settling in and feeling relaxed.

We are staying here tonight then on our way again in the morning.

Moored at Bridge 26

Monday 25 September 2017

Billinge Green Flash to Middlewich (Trent & Mersey Canal)

Yesterday (Sunday) we were moving on to Middlewich, so we set off along the canal leaving Billinge Green Flash behind us.
Leaving Billinge Green Flash behind us

Passing Bramble Cutting
We wound our way along the canal past Bramble Cuttings which is a nice mooring with picnic tables and soon came to Middlewich Big Lock.   We stopped at the water point just before the lock and filled up with water.

Another boat came along and the chap got the lock ready, I then walked up and asked him if it was okay if we came in as well as this lock is a double lock, he said that was fine, so I went and opened the other  gate and Kev and the other chap brought the boats in.  This lock may be a double lock but it is only 5ft deep so it doesn’t take too long to go through.
In Middlewich Big Lock

Nearly Up
We came out the lock and went around the corner and moored up in the visitor moorings by the children’s park.

We had some lunch then walked to the shops for   a few supplies.

We are staying here tonight and also tomorrow as we are having a visitor to stay tomorrow, our friend’s Jack Russell called Harry so we are looking forward to that.

Today, surprise surprise it had been raining again in the night but had stopped by the time we got up but it was very grey and overcast.  We went into the town and did a bit more shopping then came back to the boat and had lunch.

Harry getting comfy!
In the afternoon, we walked down to the Big Lock pub and met Jane, Malcolm and Harry, part of our Audlem family.  It was lovely to see them as we haven’t seen them for a few weeks and we all walked back to the boat and had a coffee and some Barrabrith which I made this morning.

We had a nice catch up and sorted all Harry’s things out and then we walked them back to their car. They are off on a cruise tomorrow and so we have the pleasure of Harry’s company for the next 12 days.

Kev took Harry out for a walk then they came back and Harry had a look around the boat as it is all new to him, but he is settling in nicely so I am sure we are going to have a lovely time with him.

We are staying here tonight then off again in the morning.

Moored at Middlewich

Friday 22 September 2017

Barnton to Billinge Green Flash (Trent & Mersey Canal)

We are moving on today and the sun was shining as we set off along the canal.

Passing the Anderton Boat Lift
We soon came to Anderton and went past the entrance to the Anderton Lift and stopped at the services to get water, etc.

Going through Anderton
Passing the Lion Salt Works
Passing the Chemical Works
Once the tank was full, we set off again in the lovely sunshine and made our way along the canal through Marston and past the Lion Salt Works Museum which we visited on the way up and then the canal goes right through the middle of a Chemical Works.  It was billowing smoke out of the chimneys today and didn’t smell very nice so we were glad to get past there.

Leaving the Chemical Works Behind
We chugged on past Broken Cross and we were surprised to see that where there is a sign saying a marina is being built but since the sign went up a couple of years ago no work has taken place but as we went past today there is evidence of pontoons being put in and an office being built at last, maybe next time we past this way it will be up and running.

We went on abit further and moored at Billinge Green Flash.  This is a really nice spot and very quiet and tranquill.

We had lunch and then it started rain for a change!  Kev did a few jobs around the boat and then we just chilled out.

We are staying here tonight then moving again tomorrow and hopefully the sun will be shining again!

Moored at Billinge Green Flash